It's that time of year again, Stuffed with turkey and soaked in Mateus Rose and Baileys we get to the Crackers, big bang (if you're lucky!) a stupid hat, a plastic toy and the joke, traditionally the worst you've ever heard! I've saved some from this year's dinner to share with you all, did you get any better ones??????????????
Q. What did the sea say to the sand?
A. Nothing, he just waved.
Q. Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
A. You can see right through them.
Q. Why are brides unlucky?
A. Well, they never marry the best man.
Q. What do you call someone who makes clothes for rabbits?
A. A Hare dresser.
Q. What do you get if a sheep walks under a rain cloud?
A. A sheep thats under the weather.
Q. Why did the witch put her broom in the washing machine?
A. She wanted to have a clean sweep.
Q. How do snails keep their shells shiny?
A. They use snail varnish.
Q. How do you make a jacket last?
A. Make the trousers first.
Merry Xmas