Green ruffled dress - denton manchester

  • December 29, 2011 12:06 AM GMT

     Green ruffled dress


        Green ruffled dress

    It had been a hard night on the doors , i had come home with a flesh wound from flying glass, a bottle i had just avoided across my right arm, not so bad as to need stitches, a strip of black and a compound dressing had stopped the flow of blood and it had healed but with gaping edges so a dot of super glue when i got home did the rest, A & E early sunday morning forget it.

    I awoke in the morning saw the rapidly healing wound on my arm i knew it would scar i cried, Michele rolled over and held me as i curled into her warm strong body , she said “ i tried to get you to get it seen to honey but you wouldn’t you were to pumped , “ I Know “ i whispered and cuddled closer.

    That morning we got dressed showering together and rubbing moisturizer into each other and helped to fix each others hair.

    I wore a long green dress but refused as always to wear the wig at the bottom of the wardrobe , i didn’t want to feel false - however i did go for the silicon inserts, girls got to have boobs.

    I applied perfume , we headed down stairs Michele a complete contrast to me in a ’T’ and a pair of worn jeans.

    After breakfast we went for a drive and on the way back i said look we need milk , we were not far from home at the time we lived in denton in manchester. I said just stop at the corner shop she did and she went to get out i put my hand on her knee and said “i will go” she said nothing but glanced at how i was dressed and said i will come with you, i said no its fine honest babe got to do this some time , it be ok.

    I stepped out of the car immediately a group of youths started walking towards me , my heart speeded up , i thought its ok girl you can do this what the worst that can happen?

    I walked the 5 yards to the shop it felt like 5 miles every step in the heals i had on seemed to be like walking through glue. I entered the shop i saw then the shock on the face of the owner, i knew i was in trouble i walked down a isle a isle that seconds later was blocked by youths on both ends youths advancing on me, my heart beat faster god what do i do:

    do i scream?
    do i run?
    what do i do?
    will i die here win this shop?
    Why had i been so stupid?

    I breathed deep and i walked past the smaller group all 4 of them spat on me and pushed me into the shelves, i carried on walking i knew if i stopped it would be worse, i broke free and ran i couldn’t get to the exit i came in from. I ran and ran out of the back door i ran , i was on the high street i ran faster In my silly long and now torn dress , i lost my shoes some where.
    I ran , i got to our street i noticed i was bleeding warm and wet a dark satin appearing on my shoulder i could hear the gang in the back ground as i headed down our street. House wives came of there doors to watch the freak show none of them helped as the youths threw stones at me.

    Then there she was, michele running the other way with dale and misty and she let them of there leashes my 2 huge German Shepard's  ran towards me past me and jumped on the first two youths there jaws snapping at there faces teeth showing spittle flying from there mouths.

    Michele walked up to them called the girls off who came and sat to heal walked to the youths and said you ever touch my women again i will find you and i will kill you, pulled a kitchen blade and made sure they all saw the light glinting from it.

    next i felt her arms around me as she picked me back up onto my feet and took me in doors as we walked i could feel the bare path under my feet but i can remember little else but the rest of the night i remember i cried in her arms till i feel asleep next to her on the sofa.