Standing behind someone at a shop counter, who loiters for their penny change and then feigns suprise when the shopkeeper hands it over, like they don't need it. Me I stand there with my hand out, its bloody mine and I want it and when I get home it will go into my big demijohn with the other 1000 one pence and two pence pieces.
Another thing that annoys me, standing in a que at the petrol station after counting out the 60 quid I need to pay for the petrol, while the 4-5-6 people infront of me, rumage in their bags, wallets, looking for credit cards to pay for a packet of fags or a bag of sugar, Grrrrrrrrr
Yet another thing, Putting all our recycable stuff in the orange bags, provided then watching the dump truck come along and empty the general rubbish and the men pick up the bags and throw it in with the rest and proceed to mangle it all up. then tell us if they find recycable material in the bins with refuse we could be liable to a fine Grrrrrrrrr
Your standing in a que, then somone ambles up to somone in front of you, you think they are together, then each one does their own transaction Grrrrrr
AHHHH Yes, like standing in a long line waiting to order something. I already know what I want, heck the line is long right. And these people wait till they get up to the counter and pause and start looking at the menu, and cannot figure out what they want. Then they order and ooops no change that I want this instead. Then that may not do either, oooops again can I change that...almost makes a body lose it.
Now second peeve, at grocery store with a few items, and go to fast check out, 10 maybe 20 items and cash only line. Someone decides to pull into the line just ahead of you with a full buggy of things, and guess what...not even a credit card........they use a check...yikes...I have actually put my things on the conveyer and left. Not right maybe, but it did give some satisfaction.
Now a third annoyance, stop and fill up car with gas, go in to pay...cannot just leave right without paying, but someone has a list of lotto numbers soooo long that I could of read the daily newspaper. Yes, I felt sorry for the clerk, they are alone so what to do. If I had even money, I just throw it on the counter after waiting till my patience ran out.
OOOOOPS, do not mean to annoy anyone, but I forgot to add this...LOL