Four ladies´hangover

  • August 23, 2004 5:13 AM BST
    Last saturday we were 4 women on a metro station bench. Two of us explained they had a super party and they were afraid perhaps to have had a few drinks too many. Then one of them asked what happened to my knee. "Oh, I fell down at a wild party. probably too many drinks" "You too?" they laughed. Then the fourth lady joined the conversation and said she´s got a black knee as well. And from the same origin. She accused her new golden dancing shoes. She was quite fat and imagining her in golden shoes made us all laugh.

  • August 23, 2004 7:12 AM BST
    Yes, I experienced the whole incident as a passing and that´s why the littele story is here. I was first there alone, then the fat lady sat domn on my bench, and then these two cheerful women sat between us two. There hardly was space for them. They would never have sat down there so close to a man or a "freak".
