Happy to be here!

    • 12 posts
    March 11, 2014 7:19 AM GMT



    My name is Lunari Natsume, you can call me 'Luna'

    I am 36 years old (3/3/78, yep just had a BDAY!)

    I have 4 great kids, all boys, ranging from ages 5-19

    I am a meatcutter at a grocery store

    I have a youtube channel where I talk about being TG http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeByDSOua9NkNL_X-fCQEpA

    I have a facebook you can see all my latest news/pics at https://www.facebook.com/lunari.natsume.1

    I was born a male, but less than a year ago I learned that wasn't true.


    I am happy to be here and to meet as many folks in the trans community as I can, to share stories, experiences, tips, tricks, and just enjoy the company of some new people! Hi all!

    This post was edited by Lunari Natsume at March 11, 2014 7:21 AM GMT
  • March 13, 2014 4:15 PM GMT

    Hi Luna