I would like to get inside Putins head right now. He says he does not want war but has he left his brain on a train?.
He has got the world by its balls really . So how can any country stop him? Answers on a postcard to Mr Obama. The underground bunker some where in the USA . Its not just Obama though is it? Camawrong can't do anything either.
Russia can handle sanctions it is more than self sufficient , they can harm other countries to much by cutting off gas and food supplies , Germany needs them and Eastern European countries cannot get by without them. So what is the answer? I think it is safe to say this is the start of another cold war but , the last one I lived through in the 1980s lasted years before they came to their senses. How long can this one last? Not years , not months , a matter of a few weeks at the most before the first shots get fired then it gets hot not cold.
Putin will not back down now it has come to far and he is not going to make himself look weak. Will the rest of the super powers just sit back and let him take Ukraine? That is his intention. If the world lets him then who will be next? Well he has plenty to choose from. 2014 is starting to look like 1938 .
Dear Mr Putin. I know you are a big fan of mine so lay off the Vodka and come to your senses. There is a young generation out there who want to live full lives , you have lived most of yours and so have I so stop being a selfish git and play fair.
Yours sincerely pissed off with you.
Julia .
Julia, i think that saying that this is the start of another Cold War is misguided although the russians are quite capable of taking a provincial state like crimea, they neither have the resources or infrastructure to match the western super powers so for this reason it wont happen. The news sensationalise this minor conflict and if one should care to look back into history one might find that the crimea was given from the old soviet union to ukraine some years ago, once again the western powers have got themselves into something that in the end has nothing to do with us. one last thing if you think that Putin is mad what did you think Queen Vic did for the empire ask for the resources etc i think not.
Hannah I think it is safe to say the cold war has already started. The next few days will be when it gets a bit warmer. 80 thousand Russian troops on the border no planned exercise! Extra Nato jets sent to Poland.
Today is the third anniversary of the start of the uprising in Syria , that red line was crossed but could anyone do anything? No because it is the home of Russia's "only" warm water naval base. Apart from the loss of innocent lives I could not give a toss if they all blow each other up they are all nuts in the middle east.
Things were looking quite good up untill now. North Korea wants to start to talk to the south. Iran has started to talk more sense. No sane country wants war it costs to much money but it also costs lives , money now seems worth more than life to the crazy leaders and that includes the west.
Iraq! The first Iraq war was valid because of the invasion of Kuwait and Saddams troops massing on the saudi border , the mistake was accepting surrender from Saddam , hence war part two and the place is still a mess.
Afghanistan! After the Russians failed there why try again? How many years is it now 13? Should be like heaven there now but it is still hell. Oh yeah! Who condemned Russia for invading it? The west so we have a go too. Now Putin is bored , so after spending 30 billion or what ever on the winter Olympics he wants his money back.
This world is nuts.....................................................
Julia, trust me when i say that whoever or wherever you are getting you info from they are quite mistaken trust me when i say if there was any doubt that we would enter into another Cold War then i would be indeed alot busier at work than i currently am believe me you have no idea i was in both gulf wars northern ireland and libya so its easy to state things that you have no idea about but still you are interested and thats a good thing
Hi Hannah.
I live in Suffolk , I am surrounded by air bases! Do you know what BIKINI STATE AMBER is? I guess you do. I can see what is going on in the sky above me too. Convoy's of army trucks heading towards Felixstowe along the A14 . The yellow and black arrows that point but do not say why. I have seen it all before back in the 80s.
I am not saying it is the same and you know more than me but , seeing that protect and survive crap back then kind of brings it all back. It just "seems" like we are going back there.
I will take your word for it I am a bit thick (uneducated) but do you know what is so funny? Ipswich Borough Council have lost their bunker. Its true they put a plea out on the radio last week asking if anyone knew where the entrance is , I rekon they built a public loo on it. I started to wonder why they want to find it! Just for old times sake I guess.
Cold war , Warm war , All out war what is it good for? As the song says absolutely nothing.
Lets just hope we never see another one , Human life is to precious.
I see you like The great escape? Good film had some Ipswich town football players in it too , and you like the Smiths? I prefer the beautiful south , I kinda like the song for whoever (The pencil case song).
http://youtu.be/J-q_gAM1BXQ . 6 Days late but happy birthday wishes , I hope you had a good day .
Take care , Julia .
Europeans like to give the U.S. grief for trying to police the world. They think we are violent, destructive busy-bodies trying to Americanize the world - and that the world would be much better off if we stayed at home and socialize ourselves. In no small part due to help from European press and public opinion, enough Americans voted for a president that agrees with you. Unfortunately, the consequences is that the only country capable of upholding Western values and ideas is no longer willing to shoulder the task - as every other country in the West has traded martial prowess for Welfare states.
As the granddaughter of three WW2 veterans (a grandmother and both grandfathers), the daughter and niece of multiple Vietnam War veterans, and the sister of a Persian Gulf veteran, I personally know the cost of American foreign policy, and what it has cost our family. I also know that almost all of them were willing to pay the price, because they knew that the alternative would be even more American blood in the long run. Putin is not the monster that Hitler was, but he's at least as bad as Tojo - he's a racist and bigot that is willing to do anything to put his people on top and justifies it with his belief he's avenging historical wrongs. Will we be someday talking about the Rape of Kiev the way the Chinese talk about the Rape of Nanking?
All I know is that not a single U.S. soldier is going to die over this now, but someday many will die because we let people like this (or Assad, or Khamenei, King Jong-un, or pick-your-own-tyrant-with-ambitions-of-greatness) have free reign because many of our supposed allies were too gutless to support us in other similar conflicts in the past.
Rebecca Burrow said:
Europeans like to give the U.S. grief for trying to police the world. They think we are violent, destructive busy-bodies trying to Americanize the world - and that the world would be much better off if we stayed at home and socialize ourselves. In no small part due to help from European press and public opinion, enough Americans voted for a president that agrees with you. Unfortunately, the consequences is that the only country capable of upholding Western values and ideas is no longer willing to shoulder the task - as every other country in the West has traded martial prowess for Welfare states.
As the granddaughter of three WW2 veterans (a grandmother and both grandfathers), the daughter and niece of multiple Vietnam War veterans, and the sister of a Persian Gulf veteran, I personally know the cost of American foreign policy, and what it has cost our family. I also know that almost all of them were willing to pay the price, because they knew that the alternative would be even more American blood in the long run. Putin is not the monster that Hitler was, but he's at least as bad as Tojo - he's a racist and bigot that is willing to do anything to put his people on top and justifies it with his belief he's avenging historical wrongs. Will we be someday talking about the Rape of Kiev the way the Chinese talk about the Rape of Nanking?
All I know is that not a single U.S. soldier is going to die over this now, but someday many will die because we let people like this (or Assad, or Khamenei, King Jong-un, or pick-your-own-tyrant-with-ambitions-of-greatness) have free reign because many of our supposed allies were too gutless to support us in other similar conflicts in the past.
Julia Ford says:
I think some of that post is a bit unfair if it is aimed at the United Kingdom. I am not anti USA but I think it was your previous governments that decided to to make themselves the worlds police . I cannot remember anyone asking you to police the world.
We are a tiny island compared to the USA yet way back in 1939 who came to help us? The USA sat on their butts watching what was going on but done nothing , well they did they watched. Then one day in December 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. After that and only after that did the USA come to help us. Yes we do thank you for it but I wonder what would have happened if the 7th of December never happened. How much longer would you have just watched?. Please do not say we were the gutless ones.
I do not want to see any more blood shed , one of my closest friends was blown to pieces by an IED in afghanistan and another close friend lost 80% of his hearing after an explosion a few months later. Sometimes he knocks on my door at stupid O/Clock in the morning , waking me up asking if he can have a talk , he says I am the only one who listens to him! He is not even 30 yet but , is like a child sometimes but went there as a man , a very brave man.
The jets that went to Poland last week took off from USAF Mildenhall in the County of Suffolk "The County I live in" I hope just as you do they never need to be used , we are sick of war too and you know your country just as ours cannot afford to pay for another conflict.
Take care , Julia .
My diatribe (probably due to hormones... sorry if it came out more bitter than intended) was directed more at Germany and other Western countries. England is the only one that stepped up, and understands the nuances of American politics at least partly. However, it is untrue that the world hasn't asked us to act as policemen... see the way the Saudi's expected us to go into Syria on their behalf, to mention a recent example. In fact, most governments like to knock us publicly but ask for our assistance behind the scenes... the U.S. has military operations currently going on in 47 African countries, for example - many to support the French. You don't see the French saying anything nice about that. We are helping the Malaysians to find the airplane they lost - but in the investigation and the search - but I'm sure it won't be noted in the local press. It's been this way since WWII... everyone wants us to do things but claims otherwise to save sovereign face with their own people.
All I can say is that the hypocrisy of it all is getting old, and the American people are getting tired of being kicked like dogs when they do the right thing, even when others don't want to admit it. Yes, even Iraq (where my brother did two tours, and came back with severe PTSD) was worth it to get rid of scum like Saddam Hussein. The biggest problem there was that institutionally - not just Bush, but the U.S. government in general - underestimated the job and screwed it up. Believe me, I'm no fan of Bush (I'm a small-R republican - I don't think dynasties should have any part of American politics) because of his attitude and competency issues, but he was a far better manager than Obama, who always talks a good game but has surrounded himself with academics and political hacks that couldn't manage a PTA meeting.
It's also untrue that the U.S, sat on their butts for 2 years while England fought it out with Germany... see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Lease. The President, at the time, couldn't act unilaterally (though recent administrations have bent that principal so far out of shape that it's becoming a relic of history, sadly)... we were a nation of laws then.
Hi Rebecca.
You have no need to apolgise to me and I should say sorry about my lack of understanding of the way the USA government works , I have trouble figuring out how ours does I think they are all on something.
One thing I do know is that if the rest of the world could act in the same manner as the people of the USA and the people of the UK then this world would be a better place. I have visited France once and would never go back I hated the place.
As for the Middle East! I think we should drop books on them not bombs. Never trust anyone who only reads one book because this is what it does to their minds http://youtu.be/TSvwgqwdYYU . All of us remember where we were that day and what we were doing. Our thoughts were with you all and we will never forget.
Take care .
Julia .
Hi Julia,
i do like the smiths i also like the beatiful south but i love the smiths although alot say they are really boring and sad i call it real life. Yeah i also know what the bikini states are we are. Nothing has changed on that front, unfortunatley the worl is a funny place and its citizens can sometimes appear to be the cause of all evil, Just a note to remember on the last conflicts wars whatever you want to call them well lets analyze them for a while.
Sadam Hussain put in power by a anglo american policy to have a puppet in the middle east banck rolled by the CIA
Osama Binladen Bank rolled by the US trained by the uk to have someone to fight the russian invasion
Gadaffi once again put in power by the anglo americans best of a bad situation as another puppet
israel palistine well that one is purely down to us so in thinking all these bad people and well we have caused most of it between our 2 nations.
these are just some instances so before we try and take the moral highground lets just look at what we have given the word
take care all
Back in March I predicted Russia is starting another cold war. I think it is safe to say now that after decades of moving forward Putin has now put the world back where it was in the 1980s. Obama was asked is this the start of another cold war yesterday (July 29th) , he said no.
Well all of the experts disagree , all of the signs are here now. Putin will not let himself look weak and back down now , his only option in his eyes is to continue on his road of distruction. Sanctions are going to start to hurt him very soon , he will cut of supplies to countries that depend on Russia , that means food and gas ect. He is going to have to ask China for a cash flow , China knowing he is desperate are going to hit him hard , they are not stupid. He has made a very big mistake , it will be Russian citizens that will feel the pain now and he will blame the West.
We are on Bikini state Amber here in the UK and have been for some months now, the last time I recall that happening was 9/11 , it dropped back down to Black a few months after. This is not going to go away , and even if Putin does back down it will take years to repiar the damage done and most of all the trust it took decades to build.
Take care , Julia x
we are actually in Black Alpha and have been for years we would only go to orange if anything escalated i know this as i enter military establishments everyday and we certainly wouldnt be doing things like the commonwealth games if we where in orange as far as a cold war we are far far from that at this point in time
Take a drive past RAF Wattisham then Hannah. It clearly states AMBER . Maybe it is an exersize you know more than me. As for cold war? . According to the BBC we are certainly on the verge of it. Putin has thrown away decades of trust now . They are becoming more and more isolated. Putin has put himself in a corner now , even more so with the downing of MH17.
Only time will tell.
Take care , Julia .