The Vagina Monologues

    • 35 posts
    August 31, 2014 6:27 AM BST
    We transgendered people have a lot to worry about! It is hard enough dealing with issues as varied as learning about makeup to dealing with our own and society's feelings about the path we have chosen to pursue.

    I have personally decided to broaden my horizons even further by learning more about the creatures we are trying to become : women. As a male, I am discovering more and more about the issues that they, and therefore we face.

    One of the books I have recently finished is The Vagina Monologues. This was originally a play, so the book contains both the play and people's reaction to it.

    The play examine how women and society feel about all aspects of the female condition, both good and bad. Topics include feelings about sexuality, men's treatment of women, unequal economic opportunity, and so on. I got to think about the topics both from the traditional point of view as well as from the perspective of a transgendered person. I found a lot that overlapped.

    If you are lucky, you can pick up a copy from your local library. It is also available in a Kindle edition at a very low cost. I recommend it to my GS sisters.

    Love, Sami
    • 105 posts
    September 1, 2014 4:12 PM BST

    Hi Sami,


    I was fortunate enough to take in a performance of the Monologues last year - very powerful, very thought-provoking and moved a lot of people, myself included, outside their previous comfort zones.


    You might find Calpernia Addams' monologue ' Homespun' of interest:



    I love this piece.





    • 35 posts
    September 1, 2014 5:53 PM BST

    Very nice suggestion, Judith! Thank you!