Good Bye To Karen or Dressing Up Really

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    At least for a while I guess. I have a nephew that's hit on hard times. He has no home or job & is one step away from living on the streets. I don't allways like him but I love him to much to let that happen. So I offered to let him stay here. He can fix up the basement & stay down there. 

    But that means I won't be able to dress up at all. 90% of my clothes are womens clothes. Now I have to box them all up. 

    I am & will allways be Karen. No mater what I wear. I just don't like wearing mens clothes. 

    He's family, he needs help, & I can help.

  • katieglover Remember, even though you may not be able to dress at home, you can always still be Karen here with us
  • Traci Lee O'Gara Karen, I haven't dressed in almost four weeks after dressing everyday for the last few years due to growing out facial hairs for I feel any less femme? No, not at all...and my "in between" mode consists of androgynous attire...  more
  • jan jefferies At least you are willing and able to help out your nephew. Hugs,Jan
  • Carla Williams You are doing the right thing Karen................................. hugs, Carla