The vanishing blog

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    Just about finished a blog regarding a lady, on another site this week, criticising my use of the word 'Transgender', when I should have used the Psychiatric classification of my disease ( 'normal' people are Transgender apparently ) DSM-5 'Gender Dysphoria'. She further condescendingly explained that all we 'mad-people'  are characterised by having a compulsion for 'self-mutilation', where normal people don't. Her group must exclusively 'dress-up' and wear false-boobs and bum-padding. Harley Street, London is 95% Aesthetic Plastic Surgery claimants: and presumably all the myriads of cis females trooping along can be embraced as Gender Dysphorics.

    I apologised to the lady.

    As the medical part of my blog just disappeared, I propose to give the history and evolving status of the Trans Group to and with Society in the Western World, Governments and Health Workers, in a short series: which, I hope will help you disseminate the correct information to our increasingly fractured community. 

  • Donna V Personally I hate all this Characterization, especially as it seems at times an end in itself, .A simpler characterization seems more applicable , Is this person caring,non judgemental,willing to listen ? Computer says:- DEF NORM rand(x) IF NOT(x,...  more
  • Hannah Ceridwen Eluned Cavendish-Grosvenor Well said, Donna>
  • Amanda Bruce Hannah - what happened? Amanda