Thoughts about job interviews

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    Watched loads of responses to ch4 transsexual summer – one of the main subjects seems to be the way drew got treated at the bridal shop job interview – that reinforces why i went for my recent interview in stealth as a guy – but then that has bitten me to – but none the less would i have got the job if i had gone as a women i would like to say yes but im not convinced i would of i have done that at …interviews before years ago and i certainly did not get those jobs yet i was one of the most employable assets in my subject area.

    I have also had Agents refuse to put me forward or speak to me as soon as they saw my female  linked in profile….

    So i dont know did i do the wrong thing ?

    Because now 3 weeks in having not been able to stand going to work as Neil im transitioning on the job – although i have wonderful friends like Zoe there im still now panicked by the prospect of what the company will do at the end of my trial period + the staff are confused and call me dressed in a blouse with make up HE and introduce me as Neil – so was it a smart thing to do , i think it is a hard decision given the opportunity again i would of gone in a grey pants suit with cream blouse make up spent the day before getting my hair done left my nails on and gone as becky i think , would i of got the job – i think border line – would i of got past the Agent NO definably No