The first hormone pill after a break

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    The tears rolled hot and fast ,

    My body shuck ,

    The cramps in my tummy felt like they would tear me apart,

    My mind was filled with grey mist , even the most basic strand of thought turned to a mist of confusion.

    My breathing was ragged and rapid,

    Sweat freezing cold sweat cursed down over my brows , my blouse soaked,

    The adrenaline cursed through me ,

    the room became smaller ,

    my thoughts darker ,

    Her touch light at first then harder then an arm around me , safety security rushed back, the warmth spread,

    The breathing slowed as i lay in her arms her lags wrapped around me , unable to move but also with no desire to move,

    her breasts pressed against my own as she held me tight,

    Slowly the pill dissolved then the shivers died away,

    The sharp sting of the studs pierced my ears as relief flooded into me again, i was back were i belonged,

    Her warm breath in my ear as she gently said my girl , good girl , my daisy