Real time diary of a night out

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    Stuff i jotted down in facebook on the move…

    IT WAS A AMAZING NIGHT -> met some really nice guys called peter and jamie in the queens arms got bought a drink yah ! , danced

    Then to the bull dog got chatted up by about 10 blokes -> shocked the hell out of a couple of girls who thought i was GG [huge smiles and happiness] ->

    Went back home to change from boots from hell -> to flats [ feet hurt ]

    Then legends danced with lucie and a ton of other people -> avoided a ton more blokes gods , blokes on the whole are just painful animals… 1 in about 10 are gentleman… i pray i never when i was a bloke made a girl feel like writing a sentence like that if i did i apologise to the female world..

    Then back to the bull dog -> more vodka and dancing and then bumped into a bunch of T girls having a night out so good chats there again they hesitated talking to me because they thought i was GG till i talked my voice is my current downfall….


    Then back to legends

    Then phone call from the girls from Queens arms met back up at bull dog and drank rounds of shots talked to a couple more T’s got kissed and then on to the market garden with Jordan , Richard [ did you really have to throw the bacon !!! ] and gari


    Thanks everyone for a huge night …

    then back home to sleep …