Recent Entries

  • The ears are the first thing to go...

    TUESDAY, 23 MAY 2006Did two things today.  I joined the California chapter of TW USA..and...This morning is the first time the sun will rise on Wendy with pierced ears; my birthday present from my best friend Tuesday for my birthday Monday. Only 4mm 14K gold balls now, but in 6-8 weeks I can finally...
  • Wendy Larsen - TWO YEARS - My Rebirth Day

    It's been a hard year, but not really because of being transgendered. In many ways that has been the best part of my life for the last year. Coming out was hard and wonderful and my life is much better for it. I'm more serene. I deal better with disasters. I'm a better person Wendy is defini...
  • KINKY BOOTS and Zankou Chicken

    What a great day out we had together. Shopping, window shopping, found a GREAT cosmetics store....professional level (Hollywood) makeup. Wonderful movie. KINKY BOOTS. Great, sympathetic and respectful human representation of a T girl and her life. She was the most well-adjusted person in the ...
  • Testing under fire

    The past couple of weeks were not fun. My gg friend and I had our first major row since I came out to her. It was like our old fights....but very different. We were tired. I was stressed to begin with. She got stressed. Neither had to do with each other.....but by evening we ended up arguing...
  • Coming out is a journey too, not just a milestone.

    Something wonderful has happened since I came out on New Year's Eve. Well, a lot of wonderful things have happened, but some of it I never dreamed of. Let me try to do this in a somewhat chronological manner, though much of the change overlaps individual incidents. It's been more like fireworks exp...
  • I'm Out

    Plan for 2006. Come out to select people in my life. Start going out in public en femme. Get out into my own place and see what happens when I spend a lot more time dressed and completely free to be naturally myself Time: 30 minutes after midnight, January 1st, 2006 - The right situation o...
  • 17 September 2005- Geeez, talk about some bad times.

    Well, have had some awful adventures since my last post. The surgery was terrifying.  I lost my long time fear-blocking ability.  I knew it was minor and was not dangerous, but they would be sticking long, nasty needles into the nerves of my foot to block the pain.  I HATE needles.&n...
  • You want to cut WHAT off?

    Hehe. Got your attention, did I? No, this is about other parts. Over the last year I have noticed a dramatic change in my body image and value system.  Things about my body that did not bother me a bit or that I even saw as positive (some lovely scars that carried a macho image with them, for ...
  • Old Habitats, Old Habits, and Serenity

    I have spent a lot of time around 12-Step Programs as a nurse in Chemical Dependency programs. This week, two lessons I learned there came back to me. LESSON ONE: THE SERENITY PRAYER God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to kno...
  • JUNE The Car goes BABOOM...Wendy does not.

    It's not like I didn't have enough problems in my life already. Most of them could be dealt with if I put out considerable effort. That is until this morning. I headed out to take care of the top item on my list. The rings blew on my engine. Power dropped and an incredible cloud of smoke poured...