A Small Step...

    • 121 posts
    September 24, 2004 7:57 PM BST
    Hi Connie-I'm so glad for you.I'm 23 my mum and sisters have known about me dressing as a girl since I was 6 and have given me their love and support.Recently a very close friend of mine who I went to school with and who was my very first girlfriend (we dated for 2 years when I was 16) asked if we could get back together again.I have never told her about Allissande,but as I wanted very much to get back with her I had to tell her all about Allissande,so thats what I did.When I told her she was not shocked a little surprised,but as she said she always thought I was a little feminine and was one of the qualities she likes about me.There are understanding girls out there maybe not always
    easy to find but they are there.Continue to enjoy Connie be happy love and kisses Allissande
    • 3 posts
    September 9, 2004 6:43 PM BST
    Ok, so most of the time I just kinda lurk around the forums, but I just need to ramble this off to someone, so here I am... Here's a bit of background history:

    I'm transgendered, and I've known this for longer than I can remember... I'm 22 now, and have been rather shy my entire life. This has led to some interesting conflicts as far as dating and such, I'm sure some of you have been in the same position... On one hand, I don't want to get involved with someone without telling them first, like I wouldn't want to spring it on someone after we've seen each other for a bit... On the other hand, I'm not really in a position to proclaim it to the world as of right now, and just telling anyone I met that I was interested in isn't exactly an option...

    Soo... The other day one of my oblivious friends drags me along to a party, thinking that I need to get out of the house more often... (He was probably right, but that's another story altogether). I'm not much of a drinker, so most of my time was spent off to the side in what we affectionately dubbed the Sober Circle, sitting around and talking. A girl there and I hit it off pretty well, and we started sharing life stories, what were our goals, were we working towards them, and such. I told her yes, I am working towards mine, but I'm not really comfortable talking about it...

    The next day, we run into each other (read: She stalked me and showed up at my work), and we went over to the arcade after I got off work, to play some DDR. After the mall closed, we sat outside a bit and talked, and she confronted me. She said, "I think I might know what your secret is... But I can't say, because most people would be offended." After a bit of a runnaround, she asked me if it was related to sexuality. I kind of looked at the ground and nodded, and she asked what I never would've expected...

    "You're transgendered, aren't you?"

    Yikes, talk about setting off red flags in my head, here my livelyhood depends on not proclaiming it to the world, and someone I had met just a day ago was able to see it. I was a bit shook up, but we kept talking. It turns out, she has more than one transgendered friend, and I reminded her a lot of a close friend of hers.

    We talked a lot more that night, sitting in her car... I poured out my life story, unabridged, and shed more than a fair share of tears over it.

    After all was said and done, the exact opposite of what I expected happened... She was ok with who I am. That was it, she accepted me, unconditionally, for who I am. No poking, no prodding, no sneering laughs like I've been afraid of.

    That was last weekend, and we'll see how it goes from here. At the very least, I've made a friend who'll leave an impression on me for the rest of my life.
    • 124 posts
    September 10, 2004 2:08 AM BST

    Congrats on your first post here on trannyweb, and such a wonderful post indeed . I am so so happy that you have found someone that you can talk to face to face!!!!


    • 236 posts
    September 10, 2004 2:06 PM BST
    Welcome Connie
    Its good to have freinds who know us for who we are.I helped a neibour a few yers back out of the closet from being a lesbian introduced her to all the places .She meet me as guy but when she told me who she was realy I told her of my true self and then she has only seen me as sarah sees me as a transgendered and we are real close now.It helps having some one like that to talk to and share.
    Happy for you.
    Long may it continue Love sarah Ann.XXX
    • 3 posts
    September 24, 2004 5:49 PM BST
    And time for a bit of an update... We've been seeing each other for two weeks now. It's been kind of hectic at times, with several very emotional moments, and a few tense ones, but I'd be lying if I didn't say overall I'm the happiest I've been in years and years.

    She's also coaxed me into telling my roommate, which went WAY better than I would've expected. I've had plans to tell him a time or two before, but I've always backed out. He was very supportive, and was thrilled that he's one of the three people I've told.

    With as good as things have been going, it makes me want to tell everyone important in my life, though something in the back of my mind is still stopping me... It's almost too much at once.
    • 1198 posts
    September 27, 2004 4:47 PM BST
    Connie hello and welcome,
    glad things are going well for you. i know how you feel about wanting to tell everyone and so do alot of the girls on the site.

    But sis why rock the boat for now enjoy what you have for now and see how you feel about telling more people in a few months or so.......love JJ xx
  • October 1, 2004 7:57 PM BST
    That is such a wonderful story Connie, It must have been a very powerfull experience. To tell an almost complete stranger and have her accept you without question for who you are. I'm happy for you and glad that things are going well. It's good to hear that you have never been happier, she sounds very special.


    • 3 posts
    October 11, 2004 4:35 AM BST
    Wow, and to think I've actually been happy for over a month... Sadly, that streak was ended today. I was out doing some errands today, and had to stop by my mom's house. Raye was with me, which kind of gave me the courage to try and tell my mom... After all the pleasantries and my errands were done, I started out about like this:

    "Mom, I need to talk to you about something, and I don't know how to say it really, so I'll just be blunt... Do you know what transgendered is?"

    "Er, yes..." She said.

    "I am." was all I managed to squeek out, and I looked at her for something... Well I got something alright, though nothing I had expected...

    "Well why are you telling me?"

    The words hurt, like she could care less about me... Here, I'd come prepared for her to disown me, or totally accept me, or ask a ton of questions, or not even know what I was talking about, but that's all I got...

    I told her I was telling her because she's my mom, and I love her, and it's something I thought she should know... She didn't answer, and the silence was painful.

    I just gathered my cellphone and my keys, and left.
    • 1980 posts
    September 15, 2004 7:49 PM BST
    Hi Connie and welcome. What a wonderful story and how fortunate to meet someone who is attracted to you and likes you for you really are. Now you can get to know each other without that constant holding back and wondering when the right time to spring it on them will come and how they will handle it.

    Best of luck to both of you, I wish you the best.

    Hugs, Joni from Oregon
    • 2573 posts
    October 11, 2004 9:19 AM BST
    I agree with Sandra. You mom may only think she knows what transgenderism is. Also, sometimes overwhelming input can shut down the brain's ability to process data. Give her time. Then maybe give her some reading material that you know is correct and let her have a chance to ask you questions after she has had time to digest it.