If you had one wish what would it be?

  • December 16, 2023 7:43 PM GMT
    My first time back here for a while. I have missed you all.

    Let me ask you a question. If I was a genie and could grant you one wish, what would it be? I think I can guess.

    But to make your reply more interesting, tell us how serious you are about your wish actually coming true. Think about the implications for your current life and situation. There would be no going back.

    Still wanna do it?

    • 1 posts
    February 16, 2024 8:32 PM GMT

    No More Masks: Embracing Sabrina Love

    The societal corset suffocates me. I yearn to toss it aside, introduce the world to the vibrant "Sabrina Love" who dances within, and be celebrated for the woman I truly am. No more hiding, no more pretending.

    I envision a future where "Sabrina" isn't just a whisper in the mirror, but a name embraced by loved ones. Imagine laughter-filled family gatherings where I'm welcomed, cherished, and seen for who I am. The same goes for friends, their acceptance painting my life with the colors of authenticity.

    But dreams require fuel. I see myself thriving in a fulfilling career, using my business acumen and talents to carve my own path. Recognition for my skills, not my assigned persona, would be a powerful affirmation. No more blending in but standing out with confidence and competence.

    Most importantly, I crave the freedom to simply exist as "Sabrina" every day. Imagine mornings where I rise without the burden of disguise, my wardrobe mirroring the woman I see inside. Picture evenings spent enjoying life, unchained from conformity, my true self radiating with joy.

    This path won't be easy. There might be resistance, confusion, and even pain. But the fear pales in comparison to the burning desire to live authentically. Each step, each conversation, each moment of self-acceptance will be a victory.

    So, yes, my wish from the Jeannie is breaking free from the societal mold. My Jeannie would give me a world where "Sabrina Love" can flourish, loved, respected, and empowered. This is my wish, my journey, and I'm ready to start living it. Now the work begins . . .