Aussie Trannyweb Girls night out

    • 430 posts
    January 1, 2005 5:23 AM GMT
    Hey girls I want you all to know that we are having a girls night out for the Aussie club in Sydney in January. It will be about the 20th or what ever friday that is near.

    If you can make it along please let me know. All are welcome to attend if you can make it to Sydney. I can help you find accomodation if thats required. Katie our webmistress will be attending as well as my self and would love to see you there.

    For any of those who still don't know we have a Aussie club here at trannyweb. Its under trannyclubs at the top of the page. If you want to just say hello or ask question or meet a local there is the spot to do it.
    • 5 posts
    June 25, 2008 3:05 AM BST
    Fiona's post is old, but the Trannyweb Australia Club is still around![...]5311884 Why don't you post something today?
    Cheers, Shania