
  • February 8, 2005 3:26 AM GMT
    Well I've been crossdressing for a few years now, and I've told a couple close friends, but none of my family members. After reading some threads on another crossdressing forum, I kind of want to tell my sister about it. But the thing is I only get a chance to dress up in her clothes most of the time, and she may have a different perspective on me after she learned that I've been in her clothes before, so I'm having second thoughts, but I want to tell her because it'll give me more oppotunities to dress up, so I don't know exactly how to tell it to her. Can someone help me?
  • February 8, 2005 9:37 PM GMT
    Well thanks for the help. First, I see it as an opprotunity because if there was an opprotunity, like a play or something, then I wouldn't be embarressed about it in front of her, and she might also help me get a bigger wardrobe for women's clothes.

    I will most likely tell her soon just to get it off my back. I'm pretty sure she would be cool with it. She's 16, and I'm 13, and she's not only a sister, she's a good friend, and we've shared a few secrets with each other (although none this big), and we can trust each other. It may not make a huge difference between our relationship, but it will definetely change it, but I'm sure she wouldn't tell anyone else.

    I won't tell her that I did use her clothes to dress up in, but I won't deny it either. I also won't tell her I get sexually aroused by it, but she probably won't ask, since it's kind of personal and she most likely won't want to know that.
  • February 28, 2005 2:45 AM GMT
    Ok, the whole plan backfire. I just got through trying to tell her (I know it was a few weeks ago, been real busy), and here's basically what happened:

    My mom goes on a date with her boyfriend for a few hours, so I see it as an opprotunity to talk it over with her, with no interuptions. I don't want to rush into things, so I bring up a past discussion about secret-sharing. I told her that I had a big one, and she wanted to know, and I was kinda leaning on her to find out, but then with alot of other sutff happening recently, she kinda broke down and started crying, and I felt sorry for her, so I just told I was a crossdresser. Bad idea. It got worse, and said stuff like 'You can't be serious.', and 'it's just not like you.', and it was too much for her. By then, I was feeling rotten for bringing her down to such a mood, so I took it back and said stuff like 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have joked around like that.', I knew she couldn't handle it, at least that night. I know I should be honest with her, but if you were in my shoes, you would probably do the same thing. I mean, she was crying.

    Ok, that's enough info on it now. I don't need to go into it more, but basically no one in my family will know for a long time.
    • 1980 posts
    February 8, 2005 8:10 PM GMT
    Hi Serena-

    I pretty much agree with Sandra, honesty is the best policy up to a certain point. If you want to come out to your sister and if you feel she will be understanding about it, then by all means do so, you would be the best judge about it. But if it were me, I wouldn't mention that I had "borrowed" her clothes. If she asks (and she may already have her suspicions) then for sure tell her the truth but you don't need to volunteer it. As far as why you dress, you can tell her that you enjoy it, that you feel a need to express the feminine feelings that are a part of you, etc.

    If she asks if you get sexual pleasure out of it, then be honest with her, but if that's only a part of why you dress, then be sure to mention that just getting your jollies is only a fraction of it. Being honest is very important, but I think if I were a real girl, finding out that my brother has been "getting off" in my clothes, if you were that is, would make me feel kind of weird. Also, you don't mention how old you are or how old she is, but her age would make a big difference in how much of this you want to disclose to her. If you're both adults, that's one thing, but if you're an adult and she isn't or vice-versa, then it's a different situation.

    I have read posts by t-girls who have sisters who have been supportive and helpful, but you should realize that it may turn out completely opposite. Either way, it will make a big change in your relationship.

    And one last thing I guess I should say, once you come out, you are out for good. You can't take it back and if she decides to share this with other family members, you need to be ready for whatever that may bring. Good luck to you, hope everything works out well, both for you and for her.

    Hugs, Joni
    • 1980 posts
    March 2, 2005 3:50 PM GMT
    Hi Serena-

    Well, girl, I'm sorry things didn't go as well as you had hoped. Sometimes things are better kept to ourselves until the time is right. And sometimes, especially when it comes to family, it may be better just to let them continue to have their own feelings and expectations about who and what we are. At any rate, you have a lot of time to decide when or if to come out to your family or to anyone else for that matter.

    Good luck and please stick around on TW, if nothing else, you can get advice and insight from other people about how things went for them.

    Hugs, Joni