A Trouser-Free Zone.

  • March 1, 2005 6:46 PM GMT
    Hello everyone,

    I've just signed up today and my ID has become Amethyst (just Amethyst) because I don't use a surname.

    I'd just like to put forward a suggestion to see what kind of a response it receives. It may be too simple to work and it may have already been suggested in the past.

    It strikes me that many of us are still mainly closeted because the sight of a tranny in public is still quite a rarity. Using the principle of Safety in Numbers, why not try setting aside a day when as many trannies as possible congregate in a predefined place to give a better impression of how many of us there really are? This could either be a national event, or maybe lots of local events all on the same day.

    We're coming up to UK election time. How's about making this a big issue for all the parties to have to sit up and take notice.

    I confess I'm no organiser, but I'd be interested to see the response this gets.

    Please visit my website and fill in my comprehensive survey... www.utterdrivel.com

    Celebrate your femininity,

    Amethyst (just Amethyst)

    PS well done to Grayson Perry (Why men wear skirts). He got it just right!!!
  • March 2, 2005 9:15 AM GMT
    Hi Cerys,

    thanks for the info. I'll try to get there.

    Kind regards,

  • March 3, 2005 7:47 AM GMT
    Hi Cerys,

    fair comment, especially in this weather.

  • March 3, 2005 7:53 AM GMT
    Hi Tiina,

    thanks for your contribution.

    Our election is getting quite close now so it's unlikely that anything could be done in time.

    I think the SPARKLE event that Cerys mentioned will still have an impact on public awareness and may cause the newly elected regime to take notice.

    Kind regards,

  • March 3, 2005 11:57 AM GMT
    Hi Tiina,

    I get your point. I had actually considered doing just that but I suppose I was concerned about the possible backlash.

    However I have today emailed all three major UK parties with the following message. I changed the addressee and the party names for each one, but this is what I sent to the Labour Party...

    Dear Prime Minister,

    at first glance, this question may seem trivial, but as this issue affects many thousands of voters in the UK, perhaps it's high time it was openly addressed.

    What is the Labour Party policy regarding transvestites. Very many men and boys in this country (almost certainly including Labour MP's) feel condemned to a life of claustrophobic secrecy because of society's intolerance and lack of understanding.

    I will be asking the same question of the other two main parties but I look forward particularly to hearing your views.

    If you find the time, you're very welcome to visit my website at www.utterdrivel.com

    Kind regards,


    I'm looking forward to receiving their replies.

  • March 3, 2005 2:22 PM GMT
    Hi Tiina,


    I love it!!!

  • March 2, 2005 8:58 AM GMT
    Hi Amethyst

    There is just such an event planned; it's called "Sparkle" previously referred to as "National Tranny Day" and it takes place on the 25th June in Manchester, centered around the Canal street area. Quite possibly the largest gathering of Trans-girls in one single place that this country has ever seen.

    From their web site ..

    "Various activities will be happening to highlight and celebrate all things TG. Bands, Exhibitions, parties, clubs, entertainment etc.

    The day is not just for Transgendered people and their friends/partners, but for those that want to celebrate with us and enjoy this great day."

    All you need to know is at the end of this link ...


    .. but hurry rooms in Manchester are getting booked up fast, this is going to be a popular event.

    See you there

    Cerys x
  • March 2, 2005 9:23 AM GMT
    No probs Amethyst

    ..Actually I quite frequently wear trousers (or jeans) in girl mode, specially in the cold.

    Cerys x