
    • 3 posts
    March 10, 2005 4:35 PM GMT
    i told my parents about my true gender and they have forced me to
    stop dressing.i cant take this anymore i need your help i was thinking of running away to london.does anyone no anywhere i can stay or where i could work
  • March 10, 2005 6:03 PM GMT
    Whatever your decision , just please wait a while to make it. Do not burn bridges with people because their initial reaction was confusion or anger..these things change , people realize what someone really means to them after some thought, Things are not easy for us in life and you would make it no easier by running away unless there is no other choice.
    • 539 posts
    March 11, 2005 5:36 PM GMT
    I agree with what others have said here. Running away is almost always a bad idea. Try to hold out if you can. Your parents' resistance may soften, but even if they remain totally opposed, you will eventually move away.

    I know too many transsexuals who are totally down-and-out, unable to make a decent living and constantly suffering from the discrimination and harassment that are especially bad at the low end of the economic scale. I don't know how they survive. The best way out of this is to get a good education. Even if you have to suffer through your parents' lack of acceptance for a few more years, you will be much happier later when you are economically independent and you can afford to do what you want regardless of what they think.

    In your country, is there a good financial aid system for people attending college? If so, take full advantage of it. Thanks in part to financial aid (scholarship, student loans), I started college and moved away from home when I was 17.

    Good things come to those who are patient.

    And if your parents never come around, just think of the proverb in my new signature line. [Roughly translated, it means, "One cannot win an argument with fools any more than one can open ones mouth wider than an open oven."] Quietly laugh at them, ignore them and bide your time.

    [STUPID, NASTY, ROTTEN SMILEYS! That stupid unwanted smiley in my signature line is supposed to be an 'o'. The special character seems to have caused it. I am trying to figure out how to make it go away!]

    Heather Harrison
    • 539 posts
    March 11, 2005 6:01 PM GMT
    It looks like I got rid of the awful smiley by replacing the 'o' with a lower-case omicron, but it won't leave the previous post!

    Anyway, back to the subject at hand, please keep checking in here so that we can talk you out of running away. Don't do it. You will regret it for the rest of your life.

    (Of course, we are assuming that you are not subject to serious physical abuse in your present situation. If you are, you should seek legal assistance.)

    Heather Harrison
    • 2463 posts
    March 10, 2005 6:20 PM GMT
    Joanne, running away won't solve anything. It might make things worse. Right now stay where you are at and give it some time, please. We are here for you if you need to talk. Don't do something irrational. Please write to me if you need any help.

    By the way, ignore Tiina when she calls herself names like that. She's just mad because we can't stage that raid on Kendra's closet right now.

    • 2627 posts
    March 10, 2005 9:49 PM GMT
    If I could Lose this weight faster. Nothing in Kendra's closet woulb be safe. She'a got some nice things.
    • 2573 posts
    March 11, 2005 2:58 AM GMT

    There is an organization that helps homeless adolescent t girls in Los Angeles. Many of them end up on the street selling themselves and risking Hepatitis, HIV, an assortment of other sexually transmitted diseases, rape, robbery, assault, murder, hunger. Before you risk these things and the limited and dangerous lifestyle that goes with it, give home a chance. You may not be better off in London than you are at home. How many years before you finish school and can get a job? It may sound longer than it is. Learn about GID and try to give factual information to your family. They may change their attitude or they may not, but it's worth a try. Leaving home without a realistic plan is dangerous. You may find other t girls in your area and be able to dress away from home until you are able to safely leave. There are more of us than you imagine. Search the Trannyweb database for members near you. How old are you?