HEy im new and have recently come out to

  • April 4, 2005 6:44 AM BST
    well first off im extreemely glad to have found this site, my stupid name is mike buti prefer alyssa or ali for short.

    ive been thinking about this whole deal since i was about 7(im almost 18 now), i started trying on my little sister's clothes and such, explored my options and tried to shut it out of my life. however i was wrong and a few years back the ideas became much more frequent. i spent the next 9 years lying and creating this false identity i have so i would be accepted. it didn't help my psyche at all. i eventually started to tell a few friends and to my suprise all but one was completely supportive of it and offered to help out any way they could. the last guy just said he didn't really care as long as i dont change as person.

    just recently, i told my mom while we were in the car and she was not happy at all. she thinks shes a failure and im a mistake, however since then shes been gradually coming around to being tolerant of it. im hoping soon she'll be able to accept it.

    but my questions are more pertaining to the costs of the transition process. im undoubtedly going through with it after i get out of college in 2008. the full distance too.

    basically i was wondering if someone could provide an estimate on how much the following things cost:

    monthly hormones
    sexual reconstructive surgery
    monthly electrolysis
    legal changes(name, sexuality, new certificates, etc)

    also what is it like to transition in a job type setting, and is it grounds for being fired?

    thanks i'll be back on tommorow. for now must complete hendrix paper.......
  • April 4, 2005 8:57 AM BST
    I could give some costs from my experience:

    Monthly hormones about 50.- euro (=65 dollars)
    Monthly epilation about 150.- euro (= 200dollars)

    The epilation you can take according to your financial situation, but it will cost altogether between 5000 - 10000 dollars to get rid of the 10000 pieces of you facial hair.

    The SRS costs vary between 7000 and 14000 dollars. I paid 7000 for my SRS at Dr. Sanguan KunapornĀ“s place in Phuket, Thailand.

    Good luck

  • April 4, 2005 9:47 AM BST

    Congratulations on having the courage to tell your friends and Mum who you really are, many of us never manage that so you have gone one step further than some.

    You and your Mum will need to take things slow and steady over the next few months, years maybe, but as long as you keep talking openly and honestly with her she will see what this means to you. Acceptance is all we all ask for really, anything else is a bonus. Best thing to do is remind Mum you love her all the same and that will never change, she'll see she's not a failure then.

    I can't help you with details about transition, hormones etc as I have no experience of them but there are many girls in here that have loads of knowledge about this, just ask Laura I'm sure she'll be delighted to help.
    One thing I do know form talking to others is the sooner you start transitioning the better as the teenage body is still very receptive to hormones up to the early 20's. You'll get better results if you can start as soon as. If you have told friends already then they will have no problem accepting the physical changes as they happen. And you could graduate from college as Alyssa (no need to change the degree certificate then!!).

    As for work and transistioning I'm not sure what the legalities are in USA but in UK you are protected under the various discrimination acts from being fired because you are TS. However if they want to get rid they will find something so make sure you don't give them a reason. I would say best to be open and honest from the start with an employer to avoid the possible complications coming out at work might bring.

    Hope the Hendrix paper gets a good grade hun, wish I could have written a paper about Jimi and his music.

    Take care and hopefully see you and Mum around sometime

  • April 4, 2005 10:53 AM BST
    I guess there are two ways to do it. My friend Susanna transitioned when studying and then got a job as a woman. I her office ONLY the boss knows her background.
    I transitioned when having already a steady job. That is the alternative.
    In the worst position are those applicants looking for a job, whos documents have contradictions, either within the data itself or between the document and how the applicant looks externally.

  • April 4, 2005 12:36 PM BST
    hehehe thanks everybody. i have heard that hormone therapy was cheaper tho, thats kind of a hit. but mostly im not waiting to transition. im starting hormones ASAP if possible and just plaing it as it come in terms of people at college and such.
  • April 4, 2005 1:56 PM BST

    I will second what Tiina says about seeing a Doctor before starting hormones as these are extremely powerful steroids which can kill if not used properly under medical supervision.

    I used to work in a hospital so know the dangers any drugs can have when misused, even over the counter painkillers can be lethal if the Doctor doesn't know you are taking them.

    Other than that just be yourself and enjoy life as the person you know you are. People will accept you as long as you are honest with them if they ask.

  • April 4, 2005 7:42 PM BST
    well im definitely consulting a doctor abou this fiorst, how else would i get them. also im aware of the risks and everything so its not a suprise to me
  • April 4, 2005 9:00 PM BST
    That's good to hear Alyssa, we only said it as some people do self medicate you see. Sorry if it came over a bit "Motherly" or dramatic.

    By the way, did you get your Hendrix paper finished?

  • April 5, 2005 12:51 AM BST
    nah i have less than 2 weeks before i graduate and my motivation to like do stuff is lower than my tolerance for people who carry small dogs around everywhere with them(come on its fine to love your pets but bringing them into the store in those cheesy sweaters is bullshit)