• 121 posts
    May 9, 2005 11:13 AM BST
    Hi girls-it has been a while since I posted anything,so I thought I would give you an update on what has been happening to me.Since last summer and up until Christmas I was living as Allissande all the time except at work.However,I now wanted to start work as Allissande too.So I contacted my HR department at work to see if there would be any problems-who said there would not.I also went to see my endocrinologist(as you may or may not know i have a severe form of Gynecomastia).In January after several tests I was recomended to have an orchiectomy as my testicles were badly deformed and there is a history of testicular cancer in my family on both sides.The operation was carried out on Feb.28TH.After a weeks recovery at home,I started work as Allissande on Mar.7th.I told my boss and immediate colleagues about myself prior to starting work as Allissande,and
    they were all really great about it.My company are really good too as they do not tolerate any prejudice of any kind-which helps greatly.My first day at work was a mix of nervousness and excitement and relief.On that first day my HR department re-introduced myself to my boss and colleagues as Allissande,at the time I thought this a bit silly,but then I thought it was a really nice touch as I was after all a new starter.At work and in life in general I'm treated as and taken for as what I appear,a woman.Life at the moment is absolutely wonderful-I have to keep pinching myself at times,just to make sure I'm not dreaming.At the moment I'm ok with how things are,in a years or two years time I may think about full surgery.Any way love and kisses to you all,Allissande,xxx
    • 1198 posts
    May 13, 2005 10:07 AM BST

    that is such wonderful news, i'm really chuffed for you hun. Glad that lfe is becoming the way you want it to be......hugz Julie xx
    • Moderator
    • 1980 posts
    May 12, 2005 4:27 PM BST

    How nice to hear from you again and with such good news, too. Congratulations, it sounds so wonderful to be able to come out at work and be yourself. I wish you all the best.

    Hugs, Joni