Suggestions for Coming Out

  • May 11, 2005 12:28 AM BST
    Okay, from what I have read (and NOW experienced!) the easiest way to 'come out' is to evaluate the groups of people you are friends with. Its all about building confidence.

    Here's what I did:

    I live in a tiny, Colonial town, Annapolis. It's a great place to live...unless you are TG. However, I am into acting and other play stuff (weird though, because I wasnt really in high school!) so I got involved with my local community theater groups. You meet some WONDERFUL people in these groups, plus you get the thrill of performing! (sadly for me, it has always been Drab Mode) OR if performing isnt your 'bag' you could get involved with sets, stage management, stage lighting...a whole variety of things you can do!

    So anyway, I befriended quite a few of the ladies in the community and then, picked my first. I came out to her and THAT experience, her being so accepting, ect, gave me the confidence to come out to others! NOW, I am preparing to attend my first party TOTALLY in Girl-Mode! BY REQUEST!

    So, its all about building your confidence with tiny steps. Next? My family!


  • May 11, 2005 8:00 AM BST
    I agree with Sandra.

    I came out only my back against the wall, with no other possibility, because my looks were changing due to my HRT.

    • Moderator
    • 2463 posts
    May 11, 2005 1:58 AM BST
    Annapolis, huh? I spent more than a day out there at the Hall of Records. Later on I was up for a job at Salisbury State University.

    Good luck with your life. We're rooting for you.
    • 2627 posts
    May 11, 2005 7:01 AM BST
    Hi Amanda
    Slow & easy, I still think it took a bit of courage.
    That is food for thought . So many talk of getting fed up & just blurting it out. I'm very near that point. But thier allways so scared after & wish they had done it different.