Young People are Great!

    • 141 posts
    July 11, 2006 12:09 AM BST
    I've come out to a student that I mentor. She's a candid for an HBA (Honours Business Administration) and she originally contacted me looking for a 'summer internship' otherwise known as a summer job. How ironic. We've corresponded since early April and I've passed on business contacts I hoped would help her.

    Another irony of my alma mater is that as much as they promote the extensive 'alumni network', few alum actually help the students. Seems that my help for her has been unusual.

    We have discussed my career and it came to a point where she proposed a meeting. (Please! This is all very proper and professional.) It was at that point that I realized that I had to take a stand of some kind. Although we've corresponded by email and two by telephone, I was struck by the motivation to meet her for the first time as Ann and not Michael. I just felt it was time that I started the process with the rest of the world.

    I wrote a nice letter and explained that I was a transexual. Actually there's not much 'plainin to do...

    "Before we meet I would like you to know that I am a transexual. If we do decide to meet, I will attend the meeting as a female. I hope that this by itself is not dislocating for you. Further, I am really at the beginning of this process -- maybe closing on the middle -- and you may or may not perceive me as fully female. I don't wish to embarass you in a public place."

    "If this affects our acquaintance in any way, I completely understand. However, if you still wish to meet at some time, I would be happy to. If you elect not to reply, that is quite all right -- I have enjoyed our conversations. Otherwise, I'd be delighted to meet with you." I included the picture that I've had on my profile here.

    In the true spirit of my alma mater (only business matters) she replied with no other reference than when should we meet.

    How about that?

    • 1195 posts
    July 11, 2006 4:48 AM BST
    Happy for you Ann...honesty is the best policy. I hope you'll develop a lasting friendship.
    • 1980 posts
    July 11, 2006 4:53 AM BST
    Hi Ann-

    She sounds like an exceptional person. Good for her and good for you.

    Hugs...Joni Marie
    • 2573 posts
    July 11, 2006 9:25 AM BST
    Good for you Ann