a little help...

    • 6 posts
    August 24, 2006 5:33 PM BST
    well a few of you know me or at least seen me about i mostly chat in the chat rooms dont post very offten im 18 in the uk and well in all honest i joined up about a year ago after some rough times were emotions were at a high and thought about starting my journy... after 2 months mainly cos i had to discard what i wanted to be ther for people close to me i supressed the feelings i was having now that i've met up with a wonderfull woman i've really opened up to her and she is halping me sort things out ^_^ the only problem is that nether of us have had exprence into this kinda thing (other than what i've read about and so on) so im not sure what to do first, i've told most of my family my doctor knows and has delt with people like me before how ever im still nervous about going to see her (might be going next week when my GF gets back from cornwall) just asking for advice/suport/ and if ya like a little bit a laugh ^_^
    • 8 posts
    November 24, 2006 7:47 PM GMT
    Im a bit confused if your talking about transitioning or somthing else. It's always very emotional coming to terms with these feelings it took me too long to realize it. If there is any confusion try to weighing the pos and the neg of Transitioning, one thing that took me years to overcome is the inhability to have children. Rushing into somthing is never a good idea, but if you are certain that you know what you want and you have done your homework then go for it. Im happy that you found someone to talk to my girl friends have always been there for me even after I told them that im not the boy you think I am. Talking to close friends about my decision has helped me alot, i'm shure it will do the same for you. You also have supportive friends here too, and dont think you have to fit into a category. There's boys girls and everyone in between, just take your time to find yourself. Hope this helps you out, Cheers and Hugs