The morning of September 23, 2006

    • 141 posts
    September 23, 2006 6:29 AM BST
    It is for me the loneliest point of the night and sleep escapes me. So, before tring again, I would like to say good morning to those for whom the sun is rising as I write.

    Even though the site is vacant at this moment it is a place of comfort and company for me at this moment. I feel the spirit here of all the girls who help.

    I thank you for that and good morning.

    1:28 AM EST
    • 140 posts
    September 24, 2006 2:13 PM BST
    Dearest Ann: I wish I had been here yesterday to walk over to you and give you the hug and caring you needed. I have read your posts as you have mine, and I know the pain and angst you are feeling. You are such an intellegent and eloquent person.
    You have the sensativity of the most caring woman I have ever known. You are so in touch with your feelings and yet you suffer through this time seemingly alone. I truely wish I could offer you
    more than just some writings here on the screen and yet I surely feel the deep saddness you are experiencing. It seems we walk along this path of life, trying to make everyone else happy and the happiness and security we attempt to give is somewhat hollow for our own existence. We know what we are and strive to make it as true for ourselves as possible and all the while trying to be what others want us to be.. Knowing full well it is keeping us somewhat alone inside not being able to be open and true to the one that knows us the best, OURSELVES!
    It may be of little help, but know always that your friends ( and there are MANY) are here for you and as you feel alone, know that we are out here thinking of you hoping that you will be alright, wishing we could wrap an arm around your shoulders and be there for you to talk and maybe even to cry upon. So many of us feel alone and desperate for the love and acceptance as our true selves. That is the most common thread I have found in all the archives here. We are here for you my friend and NEVER think you are alone. On those seemingly lonely mornings, know,
    people are out here thinking about you hoping somehow the love we feel for each other will reach you in that empty moment. My greatest fear for my sisters here is that it will become too much to bear and they will finish it. I have been at that edge myself and looked upon the empty abyss and thought just how easy it would be. But someone was behind me calling for me to walk away. I owe them my life and even as unsettled as it is, it is better than feeling so alone you cannot return from the end.. All my love goes to you my friend, my sympathy, my knowledge of how lonely and depressed you may
    feel, I (WE) are always here for you. Love .... Jackie........