OK...so what's it going to take???

    • 746 posts
    March 25, 2009 7:41 PM GMT
    So here I sit, almost one week into the site, spending countless hours navigating around trying to figure out how to make it work for me. Met quite few fun girls in chat and have dug deep into a couple of threads, but thus far, no post! Figured I'd wait a bit until I at least understood what I've gotten into.

    So here goes...(and I'll be brief)

    Been dressing since as long as I can remember...gotten fairly good at it, at least in the comfy confines of my own home when nobody was awake or around. But I NEED more! I think it's time...but I'm too gutless to get out there. So tell me ladies, how did YOU do it that first time???

    Thanks in advance...


    • 30 posts
    March 25, 2009 9:16 PM GMT
    Hi... good luck!
    Your picture shows that you are pretty good at makeup; your face looks very feminine. Congratulations on a good job in that department. When you go out your first time, make sure that you don't overdo it in either the clothing or makeup department, though. You want to blend in as a woman, not stand out to be stared at. Dress conservatively, in the same kind of clothes that other women would wear in the same circumstances (given time, place, weather, etc.). Do your makeup to be attractive, but not dramatic.
    My first outings years ago were just walking down the street after dusk, not having any personal contact with anyone. Another newbie on TW says she has been out driving, but not leaving the car yet. Both of these can help you build self-confidence. You don't want to have too much interaction with people until you are self-confident enough to feel and act like a woman.
    If you go out at night, you might buy a pack of breath mints at a convenience store for starters. You will only have to pass for a short time with only one or two people if you do that.
    In preparation for your first outing, go out in drab to where you might be going ahead of time, and observe women in the same places and situations... that will give you an idea of how to dress and act.

    I'm sure you will get lots more helpful advice from the many friends you will have here at TrannyWeb. We all have had to have a "first time". Listen to everyone, and remember that we all empathize, and remember how we did it ourselves.

    Again, good luck, and have fun!

    • 746 posts
    March 25, 2009 9:25 PM GMT
    Wow...thanks Karin! All good ideas...will touch on them a bit later...but I do appreciate you "breaking the ice" !

    • 8 posts
    March 25, 2009 11:38 PM GMT
    Hi Traci, As Karin says it's all about blending in. This might sound a little silly but I found going out when it was raining a good experience. With an umberella up and everyone scurrying around quickly to get out of the wet no one every took any notice of the woman in the thigh length skirt and heels (with rain mac of course) strolling along to the post box (which is several streets away from my home) enjoying the freshness of the air. Have confidence and good luck. Love Gem xx
  • March 26, 2009 3:16 AM GMT
    Hi Traci,
    I think that idea that Gemma had about going out during a rainy day when you can easily get around unnoticed under an umbrella is a wonderful idea. By the way I am that newbie who goes out for car drives and little by little I have been increasing the times I stay out on my rides. Today I drove around for about 45 minutes making sure I followed the letter of the law so as not to arose suspicion. I got so nervous at one point when a police car made a U-turn and pulled up behind me. I was so afraid he was going to pull me over. I pulled into a shopping area he drove ahead I pulled out then drove home. I have to say though it is becoming more and more natural to go out. I am sure you will be there soon. Good luck girl.
  • a a
    • 96 posts
    March 26, 2009 2:23 PM GMT
    HI traci,
    All the girls have given you great advice,so I can only add what I`ve learnt from personal exsperience.If you are planning on going out but not actually speaking to anyone,then i feel it`s very important to be confident and get your deportment right.You need to practice your female walk until it feels comfortable and natural.There is a big difference between how men and women walk.If you get it right it will boost your confidence and you will blend in better.If you get it wrong you will be clocked straight away no matter what you wear and how good you look.If you search the net there are sites and literature that will advise on how to improve your walk.I hope this helps.........good luck!!
    Hugs and kisses,
    Michelle xxx
    • 746 posts
    March 27, 2009 3:50 PM GMT
    Sindy...that's so funny! And the SAME thing happened to me last night...OMG, I went out dressed real nice late last night to fill up my car with gas at a large convenience store with many bays. It was empty of patrons, so I pulled in. I start pumping and this big ol' pickup truck pulls up alongside my pump and "Bubba" gets out and does his thing. But the entire time I was there, he was staring at me in a manner guys know well...it scared the crap out of me! His eyes followed me all the way out of the lot. Thanks goodness that was all! LOL

    To top off the evening, with adrenaline flowing hard thru my bloodstream, I then drove downtown to the club district thinking I might actually have the nerve to go in one for the first time dressed! As I pulled into a large mall parking area, 4 police cars appeared out of nowhere and began to converge on me! Holy Sh*t!!!

    I stayed as cool as I could and drove slowly and very, very carefully thru the lot and exited at the first opportunity. The police cars got together about 50 ft. from where I was...Talk about a rush!

    So I tried to go forward with a few baby steps, but ended up slipping back another two or three! : (

    Nobody EVER said this was going to be easy....I'm in total agreement there!

    See ya!

    Traci Xxxx
  • March 27, 2009 4:21 PM GMT
    You go girl, that trip out last night was a great step forward I give you a lot of credit. Isn't that crazy how you can go out a 100 times dressed in regular clothes but the one time you get all dressed up femme the police appear. What do they have tranny radar attached to their police cars, LOL. I just got back from a little trip out drove to the parking lot of the local mall sat there a little while, thaught I looked pretty good, but just started the car up again and left ;( Oh well one day. Keep up the good work and I am sure we will have more stories to share.
    • 746 posts
    April 4, 2009 8:00 PM BST
    Not much new to report other than another week of reading up in the forums, listening to the girls in chat (OK, so I really don't "listen" much), and exchanging emails. I'm not any closer today than I was last week. BUT, I've learned that it IS very important not to rush things and to have a plan as well. Well, what's another 58 yrs.? Good thing for the fine genes I've inherited...but if/when I transition, I DON'T want my new "girls" to START at my waist!! LOL

    Thanks all for your help and support...I'll keep ya posted on the going's on!


    Traci xxxxx
  • March 26, 2009 7:36 PM GMT
    Hi Traci
    Just do like everyone says and go out when its a bit quiet but safe ...and leave the highest heels in the box and go in some medium ones. .. and don't rush about with big long strides..nice steady walk but determined as you might say...don't make much eye contact if you meet someone..
    then when you get home you will be so ecstatic you'll almost scream 'I should heve been doing this years ago!'

    have fun and take care

    • 2017 posts
    March 27, 2009 6:41 PM GMT
    Traci, it sounds like you are taking some strides into getting out which is great. Michelle gave great advice when she said about your walk and deportment, it's so important. As is blending in, so if you really want to pass unoticed, take a note of what other women are wearing and dress accordingly, save the other stuff for home or parties.

    I won't tell you how I first went out, it worked for me, but it's not for everyone, lol.

    I hope you keep us posted here as to how your little sorties into the big wide world are going. You will find that you very soon HAVE to do more and more. There's no stopping it.

    • 2573 posts
    March 28, 2009 10:54 AM GMT

    So you had your first run-in with the fabled "Tranny Police" and they didn't arrest you for not breaking the law. Whew!

    The important thing is you passed the critical Bubba Test and with flying colors. You go girl!