Another way you can help...

    • Moderator
    • 2127 posts
    March 25, 2005 10:18 AM GMT
    Hi girls,

    As you may know, we are currently suffering serious financial difficulty, having lost around two thirds of our income from subscriptions when we fell out with PayPal last month.

    I've been trying to find other ways that we can increase our pitiful income without relying on charity and so, we have now introduced some Google adverts at the top of each page.

    Of course it always helps if as many people as possible visit our proper advertisers and even buy something from them (mentioning that you saw their ad at Trannyweb).

    However, it would also now be very helpful if you visit as many Google advertisers as you have time for each day.

    The Google income is very small but it can become more useful if a lot of people are clicking.

    Just a thought in desperate times.


    KT x
    • Moderator
    • 2127 posts
    March 25, 2005 12:49 PM GMT
    Thanks for that idea Sandra.

    Even though we can no longer use PayPal, we can still accept major credit cards for membership subscriptions using our other payment processor, Metacharge.

    The problem is now just persuading people to opt for Full Membership.

    Thanks and hugs,

    Katie x