A celebration?

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    • 2463 posts
    March 31, 2005 2:52 PM BST
    A celebration? I think so. During one of our recent fights she blasted TW as a place where we can go to celebrate our "deviancy."

    Lately I have in fact been celebrating more and more as to who I am. As I wrote in my blog, my being more open about it with family members, as well as the book "My Husband Betty," has helping me to get rid of any guilty feelings. I've been starting a friendship with the author of the book and she's going to help me get hooked up with some people locally who could, in turn, help me venture out as Mere. I'm not fortunate like those of you in the UK who can get together a lot.

    But I'm still going to need to be careful. Getting dolled up like that could have serious consequences around the house. I don't want to lie to her, yet I can't lie to myself either.
    • 2627 posts
    March 31, 2005 3:33 PM BST
    I could tell by some of your post you have been leaning more in that direction. A chance to meet some people, get help dressing up & go out is not something I would pass up.
    But I don't think being carefull is possible. Your wife will probably know sopmething is up.

    A happy deviant.
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    • 2463 posts
    March 31, 2005 6:11 PM BST
    In some of the fights, when a split up was mentioned, she said "Then you can just go and hang out with your freaky friends." If I am to meet these people in my area I will have to be honest. I cannot lie to her. Once or twice she lied to me about something that I felt I had a right to know about (NO ADULTERY!!!! She's never cheated and never will, I know that). But I will have to find a way to tell her what I am going to do. And the fallout will be interesting.

    I have never been more comfortable with being TG as I have been these past few weeks. I haven't felt guilty for so long.
    • 2627 posts
    March 31, 2005 7:04 PM BST
    You know this could very well cause a split that might not heal. Your wife seems very set in her opinion. I hope your ready for what ever happens. It sounds like your allready making your choise. I hope everything will work out the way you want.

    Good Luck Honey xox!!
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    March 31, 2005 7:49 PM BST
    That's the problem - I don't want to lose her. While I would like to meet these people, and go out, I do have to see the larger picture and not act self-centered. If there is a middle ground here, I'd like to find it. It's not like I'm trying to go out dressed and pick up someone.

    Yes, I would like to meet them. She knows about my contact with the author Helen. I'm hoping this book, and Helen, can at least get her to understand a little of this. I don't expect acceptance, nor do I think she should pretend.

    Maybe I should just shut up. But I'm not giving up.
    • 2068 posts
    March 31, 2005 8:28 PM BST
    Mere honey,you have every right to be proud of who and what you are whatever anyone else says.you are who you are and if people can't handle that well....thats their problem.i can imagine it being hard for your wife to accept,but at the end of the day it's your happiness and peace of mind thats at stake here,i really do hope things go well for you whatever life chucks in your path.Love and xxxxx anna-marie
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    April 1, 2005 12:53 AM BST
    Thanks for helping me. I don't want to hurt anyone in my life. But I need to do this. I just wish I knew how.
    • 2573 posts
    April 1, 2005 9:28 AM BST
    I'm freaky...but it has nothing to do with my being TG, any more than the fact that I wear glasses, am left handed and like cereal for bedtime snack but not breakfast.

    It's damn hard not to hurt somebody when people demand restrictions of others. Eventually two other self-centered people set mutually exclusive boundaries for you (See: Venn diagrams). In trying to decide if/when/who/how I was coming out to this next year...I came to a realization. Unless I was to hide my two lives from one another, rather than become the one Me and live openly, I was going to reach a point where neighbors would know (as I went out and in en femme and had t girls over) and my non-aware friends would come to my house and eventually the "t-girl would be out of the bag" as someone called Him "Wendy" in front of one or worse, my t girls friends and non-aware friends would meet....but even if they didn't, denying my tg friends or hiding them, or even myself, from others is, in it's own way insulting, even demeaning, to them as well as to myself. I may not tell others, I may even duck questions, but I'm not going to lie to anyone...I hope. I'm not ashamed of who I am and, if they don't like it that much, the Hell with them. Cheap friends are cheap. They can be replaced. It's time to live my life that I never had and nobody, straight or tg, is going to tell me how I should do it. Meredith, you may have to live that way, and I don't judge you for it. We must all make decisions based on our own "game theory" formula of wins and losses.

    What I'm trying to say is that you can't help hurting those who set themselves up to be hurt by limiting the lives of others. It is not your fault; it is their choice to be hurt. Do they care when they hurt us by what they say? Well, in some cases, yes, they do care and they do it intentionally.
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    April 1, 2005 2:58 PM BST
    Let me first say that I apologize for how my wife refers to us. She's called me a freak to my face several times - I've chronicled this before. But I told her that she doesn't know you and has no right to say what she did. Again, I can understand her point, but only to a point.

    I contacted Helen again and told her I want to meet her friends. I also told her it can happen after a while since I want her to know that I am not some criminal who's going to hurt them. I have to do this. I know I'll never be happy until I venture out as Meredith.

    Thanks again for all your words of wisdom. I will not do something to deliberately hurt her, nor rub it in her face. It's going to be a difficult line to walk.
    • 2573 posts
    April 1, 2005 4:04 PM BST
    Geez, Mere, even I thought I was freaky when I crossdressed until I realized I was TG. Tell your wife I used to be ignorant too, but I got better. J/K. Better not.
    • 2627 posts
    April 1, 2005 4:20 PM BST
    Hi Mere
    That had to be hard. I'm having the same feelings about Karen. It's something I feel more & more I need to do. I realy want to know what it's like to be out as Karen. It's not easy feeling this strongly about something & not acting on it. My problem is fear. I'm not comparing our situations. I'm saying I understand the drive you feel. I feel it to. You are motivating me to do something. I don't have the same reasons to back out you do. If you do it will be understandable. Like I said it has to be hard.
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    May 2, 2005 9:45 PM BST
    Tamara, I appreciate your post. But not everyone's life is the same, and my coming out to ANYONE earlier than I have was just an impossibility. Hell, it is still an impossibility, but it's getting there. I'm glad to see that it was has worked out for you. I envy your situation. It's starting to get there for me since she is starting to accept it.

    Tamara - HERE I GO AGAIN - Have you read "My Husband Betty" by Helen Boyd, or saw the interview with her in the latest Tranny Tribune? I highly recommend it.