Late coming outs

  • July 5, 2004 10:50 AM BST
    I have now been at work officially as Laura exactly 6 months. The situation has stabilized well and to the new employees, one of them also Laura, by the way, I´m just Laura. And I don´t explain my past to them. But every now and then I pop into an old business contact, where I must still come out. That is, I must tell who I used to be. Normally I get one poetical sentence in return plus "all the best for your new life". I guess these late coming outs get more and more seldom with the time and finally they totally stop.

  • July 6, 2004 8:29 AM BST

    And I consider carefully to whom I still come out. There are lots of old contacts out there, which I just leave like that. And explain nothing...leave it up to the to guess if I´m the former guy with the beard or not. My surname is unfortunately very seldom, there is only one other architect, also female, with the same family name. In the old days they always asked me if this Leena is my wife...I guess, at least that stops .

  • July 6, 2004 1:26 PM BST
    I could take my mother´s old surname...but don´t like the idea.
