confused albertan cd/tv seeks help

  • July 16, 2004 5:44 AM BST
    hey fellow cds,my name is jamie and i am a 19yo cd/tv from calgary, alberta, canada. i have been dressing on and off since i was about 10 and have recently concluded that i must certainly be a cd at heart and should probably start getting serious (and fun!) about dressing. Now firstly, where do i start buying clothes and hiding them (i live at home with th ewhole family right now, so hiding is nessecary) and secondly, any other girls out there in cowtown who would help a novice get under way? Thank you everyone for any help you can confer.

    hugs and kisses,
  • March 7, 2005 2:30 AM GMT
    I'm sure the above two posts where helpful to you (Sarcasm), honey only you know where you can hide your clothes mine are currently under my bed in a black bag, im in a similar situation to yourself and although i do tend to go shopping downtown as much as possible i also tend to us the internet quiet often, however always making sure i am home when the packages arrive, ebay is extremely helpful for girls in our situation, but probably the least complicated way is to go shopping yourself but maybe to stick to more discrete locations until you are comfortable enough to not care about what anyone thinks of you. There is nothing wrong with cross-dressing, its just a stereo-type projected by those who dont know any better, i think that if some people where to get over the views imposed on them by society they would enjoy our way of life also.

    Anywho, welcome to Trannyweb, hopefully i will chat to you soon, bye hun, xoxo Laura
  • March 21, 2005 7:46 PM GMT
    Hi everyone,I'm Shadow,21,from Italy.
    I've already posted a few times here and i think this is a wonderful list.
    I am a girl with many problems and doubts about the gender I was born as.I'm getting more and more depressed and stressed ,since I hate my female body and dream of being a boy.My image is quite boyish,but I'm a lot into fashion and clothes,so I do care about the way I dress,and I adore girlish/androgynous boys:The problem is,I'd also adore to be one.I simply don't feel like a girl,never felt like one and I'm seriously considering the transition thing.
    First of all,however,I'd be grateful if someone of you could suggest any male hormones I could take without the need for a medical prescription:Think you can help me,anyone?
    Lotsa hugs,
  • March 23, 2005 2:12 PM GMT
    Thank you so much,
    I do think a medical supervision would bebetter and safer,but,since my father is a doctor,I'm kin of scared that someone could tell him,which would be very off-putting.
    I'll try and do research,then I'll see what's best.
    If there's any FTM here that has any suggestion,it would be much appreciated!
  • March 27, 2005 6:44 PM BST
    you're right,the doctor wouldn't probably tell my parents.
    But,you know,it's such a big thing,I must admit I'm kind of scared.And yet,I cannot stop thinking about it,it seems like I would waste my life,kill myself slowly,if I don't do it.
    My parents don't even know I'm bisexual,cannot imagine what they(and everybody else)would do if I told them I want to be a man.
    But these are issues you all know very well and I'm glad I can talk to somebody who knows what I'm saying
    I'll try and go to a doctor and maybe see a psychiatrist,even though I've already been on therapy for five years.
    Thanks everybody,
    • 1652 posts
    March 22, 2005 1:58 AM GMT
    if you want to self-medicate with any type of hormone you really must do your own research and understand what you are taking and the dangers of it. most people here will tell you not to do this without medical supervision; it would be hypocritical of me to do that since i am doing so myself, though i have recently approached my doctor, after several months.
    i don't know much about male hormones, having wanted to rid my body of them for all my adult life, i expect you could obtain them from somewhere like but you must find out for yourself about all aspects of this.
    sorry i can't be of more help, but do be careful.