Out ? Really ?

    • 2 posts
    June 21, 2011 7:58 PM BST

    Okay, not to draw too fine a point on it. When I realized I was a woman coming "out" wasnt exactly an option. I mean, seriously, I am 6 ft WAS 220 (I lost wieght quit snickering) so if you can figure out a way to hide a Jeep Grand Wagoneer in an apartment sized closet I guess I could have hidden.


    But, from day one almost I went full time. Well before the counselor, well before the androgyns, I went full time. Work forced me to dress as a male (before the law changed here in Nevada they could get away with that, now they cannot) but all other times was as myself.


    So for me coming out wasnt an option, it just was. I wish it was that easy, but in the long run, I lost my marriage, home, job and community. I lost an acting career and finally wound up in the southern part of my state in a not too pretty condition.


    Its all good now, however. Good people, agencies and a fabulous city where anything can happen if your willing to beleive. Im on top now, I am me and no one tells me I have to dress thus or thus. If you get the chance to meet me I will be happy to go over the story, all the sordid details. But suffice to say coming out was the best thing that happened to this woman.

  • June 22, 2011 8:25 AM BST

    Kynthia, It was great to be able to hear your take about the journey you've traveled and the costs you've paid to arrive today as the woman you are. Our unique beliefs have made us strong individuals able to claim our identity against what seems like everyones opposition ,often feeling very alone. Arriving at the shore and realizing how many sisters we  have waiting to welcome us home! The best reunion I've ever attended.I look forward to more conversations very soon. You must be some one special cause Chrissy is very fond of you and I am very fond of Chrissy. I hope everything is coming together for your life. I have a new sister,,, YAH. Love & Peace sis, Danusha

    • 2 posts
    June 23, 2011 4:23 AM BST

    Thank you Danusha. I am but one girl in a sea of many. And the experiences and strengths and hopes of my sisters are mine as well.


    Like the saying "Together we can"