How I did it.

  • May 13, 2013 4:53 PM BST

    23 August 1999, aged 16, 3 days after I recieved my test results for Reifensteins syndrome.   Off Iwent late afternoon walking accross Streatham common to Sainsburys on the Main London road. get something for dinner,  pair of white pedal pushers, (slacks cut of at the knees) pair of sandals, crop top, and hair in a scrunchy,    Not very sophisticated.    Did the shopping, went into the cofee shop at Sainsburys, had coffee and a danish pastry. walked back home, not so much as a strange look.   My aunt gave me more grief when I got home for apparently placing myself in a position of risk or ridicule. one neighbour had spotted me walking across to the common and told my aunt I needed seeing to.??


    Rather an uneventful day all considered, but memorable all the same.

    • 376 posts
    May 13, 2013 4:59 PM BST

    And Crissie that was the first day of the rest of your life and what a life it has been.

    You are a true inspiration to all and future generations xxx Julia xxx

    This post was edited by Former Member at May 13, 2013 4:59 PM BST
  • May 13, 2013 6:04 PM BST

    The last time but one I was in London. I met up with Hannah, in Victoria station. I was in drab, & to be honest, the only one who got surprised or strange looks, was me. No one looked on Hannah as if she was anything other than a lady about town. We even went into a full pub, & covent garden. i dunno if it`s becouse it`s London, & people are to intent on their own stuff, or just don`t care. 



    Going back to your first day Crissie.

    How did you feel? was it liberating, Feel that is was normal, or did you just feel relief?


    Love Daisy

  • May 13, 2013 6:21 PM BST

    Pure laziness and a might as well, I was pottering about in the garden ran out of time.   I had been living interned so as to speak for a couple of weeks, daring to go out in the garden now and again, never gave it a second thought.   after that it was too late, so just carried on.

    • 376 posts
    May 13, 2013 6:38 PM BST

    How I did it! One day it was just to much so I put what few tatty remaining items of male crap in the wheelie bin and watched them go in the back of the truck. "Julia was born" And there was no turning back and never will be.

    Living in a village with a population of 1001 people yes they looked and yes they ignored me because they saw an instant change. They crossed the road to avoid me so I crossed the road so they could'nt.

    Eventually they accepted me and when I told them I was leaving that small village in Norfolk they begged me to stay.


    Now here in Ipswich Suffolk apart from one arsehole with a population close to a million I get by fine .

    Life is what you make it so just do it and everything will just fall into place , and the past can be put where it belongs in the past.


    Julia X

  • May 13, 2013 8:46 PM BST

    How I did it?  I had been a clost CD for some time, but had not had the courage to come out yet.  One day I was enjoying a nice relaxing at home as Gen when my neighbor came by to invite me out for coffee, I told her I would have to change and then we could go.  She suggested I go as I was, so I grabbed my purse, freshened up a bit and off we whent down to the local coffee shop ( one of our Tim Horton's).  This was the first time out fully en femme (skirt, blouse, forms and all).  Understandabley, I was a bit nervouse, I did recieve some surprised looks from the employees, but for the most part the afternoon was a success!!  After that I was hooked, I wanted to go out more and what a confidence booster it was!!