P-Club Discrimination

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     What is next for our case?

    Both sides have to submit briefs on 1st amendment and they go back & forth.

    Longest they can do that is until June 28 th.

    BOLI submits,Penner rebuttals,and BOLI has final rebuttal.

    From June 28th,XXXX(with BOLI)figured it would take 30-60 days before Judge made a ruling,maybe longer due to backlog.

    If we win,judge will award damages and/or fines to be paid to BOLI.

    If we win,there will be an appeal...another 2-3 years due to backlog of cases.

    Upon appeal,BOLI will begin recovery process for the funds immediately.

    Funds will be held in a trust account at 9% annually untill appeal board rules.

    Now the waiting begins.