Telling my eldest Son

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    Although, as I have documented before, I came out to my Mother and Sisters a few years ago (only to retreat back into the closet), my 3 sons had no idea whatsoever- until yesterday that is, when I told my wonderful eldest son about my past, present....and future!
    To say I was nervous, frightened-no, petrified is an understatement. To make it worse, my attempt to introduce the fact that I had something to tell him fell completely flat, so I had to resort to emailing him as he was so worried about what the hell it was! Fortunately, I had prepared a long "follow up" to breaking the news, to give him the detail of what I had said.
    It was a long day, and night, as I had to wait until he had finished work so as to ensure that he was sitting down when he read it!
    I won't bore you with what I wrote, but I wanted to share his reply.....

    "It's all been read and digested. Why couldn't you have gone for something relatively easy like bankruptcy or financial meltdown?! I would be lying if I said I wasn't shocked but I am 100% behind you and will do everything in my power to make any transition as easy as it can be. I love you with all my heart and you will always just be pessimistic villa fan 'Dad' to me xxxxxx"

    I am so so proud to have played my part in bringing someone like him into the world, and to be able to benefit from the sensitivity and worldliness with which he has been endowed. I have renewed hope for the long road ahead. Two of the most important people in my world are with me. I a blessed to have that support.