Recent Entries

  • Going with the flow

    I had my second appointment at Nottingham GIC today. This simple fact seem to cause a degree of confusion, as I was initially presented with " this is the first of three assessments before we take you on as a patient ". I also pointed out the fact that I had seen the estimable doctors Lorimer and...
  • Little daily challenges

    Interesting experience at the weekend, my first example of being "invisible". I will never know whether this was because I am trans, a woman, or whether the girl on the till in the Co-op was just ignorant and stupid! I go in every weekend with my voucher for The Independent. I also go in most days...
  • Sparkle in Manchester

    Elle and I have just returned from our first Sparkle, indeed our first organised TG event. I wanted to share a few thoughts about the weekend as it may help any girls who are considering going to similar events. The overriding feeling we got from the weekend was that it was the right combinatio...
  • A Parable for our times

    As trans people, many of us will be aware of how our condition inpacts on all aspects of our lives. One aspect is our work situation. As someone who is effectively self employed, I knew that continuing in my current work would not be possible once I had transitioned. I therefore took the view that i...
  • Telling my eldest Son

    Although, as I have documented before, I came out to my Mother and Sisters a few years ago (only to retreat back into the closet), my 3 sons had no idea whatsoever- until yesterday that is, when I told my wonderful eldest son about my past, present....and future! To say I was nervous, frightened-n...
  • Learning to be a woman

    I was talking to Elle the other night, trying to explain how it now feels to be confronted with the prospect of learning to be a woman, when all my life I have not only lived as a man- but completely rebelled against all the thoughts that, inwardly I was a woman. I said to her " imagine you woke...
  • Danger UXB

    I seem to remember a TV programme in the UK from the late 70s with that title. The UXB ( or unexploded bomb for those not familiar with 2nd World War jargon) in my case, is the inexorable march of feelings that you are, and always will be, a woman inside- but with that strange, but so familiar, ...