Eye Make up

    • 23 posts
    November 6, 2005 7:04 PM GMT
    I wondered if you could give me some tips on eye make up please?
    You see I have deep set brown eyes so much so that the eye shadow I use seems wasted. I know a little bit about chosing colours to go with my eyes and/ or outfit but what should I do. I've tried putting a white eye shadow right up to my eyebrows and then colouring that in a bit but not sure if this looks OK.
    Love Kay xx
    • 23 posts
    November 10, 2005 9:10 PM GMT
    Hi Joni-
    Many thanks for your post and I especially take on board your comments about lighter shades. Something for me to try out!
    Also thanks for the leenybeeny url. Wow! So many ideas to have a go at.

    PS My eyes are as deeply sunken as her friend Sarah but hers are a beautiful blue! Bah!
    Love Kay xx
    • 1980 posts
    November 8, 2005 3:03 PM GMT
    Hi Kay-

    Welcome to the group. You and I have the same problem, girl, I have dark brown eyes also and they're so deepset that I can't even get a regular "scissor" type eyelash curler in there, I have to use one of those little folding kind that fits in your purse.

    Anyway, what I try to do is use shadows and colors that match my eyes and skin tone, not necessarily what I'm going to be wearing. As far as using a white or light shadow up to your brows, I'm not a fan of it, though if it isn't too obvious it does make a nice sort of uniform canvas to apply other colors on. The base color should be as neutral as possible, I think. I posted a thread about eye shadow colors on this board not too long ago, you might have a look at it. I'm no authority, of course, just passing on something I read that seems to work for me.

    One thing I try to do is use lighter colors even if the palette range is tans, browns and greens. Lighter colors make your eyes stand out, darker colors make them seem to reced, just like contouring your face. And colors with a little sparkle stand out better than mattes do, at least for me.

    Here's another great place for ideas and inspirations. Her name is Kathleen, she's a g-girl and a member of the MAC cosmetics Yahoo group. She is way cool and her ideas for eye makeup are so fun. Of course a lot of them are things I wouldn't wear out of the house even on a bet but they can give you a real idea of what you can do if you're not afraid to try new things. One cool thing, at least for me, is that she has brown eyes and an olive complexion, just like me. She is also cute as button, not like me.<sigh>

    Here's the url to her site;


    When you get there go to the upper left corner where it says MAC and click on "create", then click on "my looks", then just open up any of the dates and have a look.

    Good luck and have fun.
