Frist time make up???

    • 3 posts
    January 10, 2006 1:15 AM GMT
    So far I used make up rarely and never tried to achieve a consistant look.
    Therefore I thought I might just go into a shop and ask to have a make up put on. I am not sure it that would work in normal kind of shop or if they would just kick that stupid man out.

    I think at first I would prefer a make up that I could wear even when wearing a normal male outfit i.e. a soft but not too obvious one. So that I can get used to having make up on in public before I take the next steps...

    Any suggestions are very much appreciated i.e. shops in London that would welcome me as a customer.

    Andrea Gisela
    • 3 posts
    January 10, 2006 11:06 PM GMT
    Hi Joni Marie,

    thanks for the encouragement - I'll give it a go this weekend.
    Jump in at the deep end kind of style - I'll report on how I'll report on how I come out of it - hopefully something that will encourage me.

    still open for any suggestion of where to go in the london area.

    Andrea Gisela
    • 1980 posts
    January 10, 2006 2:20 PM GMT
    Hi Andrea Gisela-

    I don't know about London shops, but every time I've gone to a makeup counter here in the good ole USofA, I have been treated courteously and professionally and never had anyone so much as blink an eye. If I'm not in girlmode I just tell them I'm TG and the makeup is for myself.

    Do you have MAC cosmetics in the UK? They will sometimes do makovers at a person's home but it's up to the store or counter manager. They will usually send a couple of makeup artists over, just for safety reasons and they will expect you to purchase a certain amount of products. A t-girl friend and I have chatted casually with a local MAC counter manager about it, but so far we haven't actually arranged anything.

    Good luck to you. And, btw, there are lots and lots of places on the web and in books to learn about basic makeup techniques. The main thing, no matter where you start learning is to practice, practice, practice and to have fun with it and not be afraid to expirement. After all, it all washes off.

    Have fun.

    • 1980 posts
    March 12, 2006 12:52 AM GMT
    So, Andrea, how has it gone for you? Please let us know.
