Can I expect any more Development?

  • June 27, 2006 2:35 PM BST
    I have been on hormones for 30 months now and have developed A Cup breasts... I was just wondering after 30 months can I expect much more development?

    I have just updated my latest development pictures on
    Let me know what you think
  • June 30, 2006 3:21 PM BST

    I'm no expert, but I would assume that it could be possible. I guess it just depends upon what you are taking, does it include any anti-androgens, will there be any doseage changes, prescription changes coming up, or any SRS?

    I only added 1 cup size, but since I was oveweight about 15-20 lbs., I was an A to start with. I have maintained size as I have dropped (some of...) the extra poundage.



  • July 6, 2006 5:47 PM BST
    Im taking anti-androgen along with the estrogen but no real changes in dosage or types of hormones.... the tenderness seems to come and go in spurts.
    For about two months there was no tenderness and now they have been tender for awhile.
    I do have hope since the females on both sides of my family are all D+ cups.. Just would love to make a C cup.
  • July 6, 2006 5:52 PM BST
    "If you have kept yourself seriously under weight during the past 30 months you have only diminished your chances of developement as well. I have seen some posts here suggesting a 20 lb under weight goal"

    No Danger of that.... I have been fighting weight gain since I started the hormones and I have struggled to stay at my same weight but that is a lost cause.... I think I have gained about 15lbs since starting.
    • 134 posts
    July 7, 2006 11:11 PM BST
    love your nips sandi, they certainly have grown!
    My own boobs are bigger but not so much nip growth as you
    angel xx
  • July 12, 2006 5:57 AM BST
    I happened to pass by and decided to give my opinion to this question.
    I have had hormones nearly 4 years and I have a breast size that is between B- and C-cup. My other measures are 105 - 76 - 105, I´m 186 tall. In my case I can say that my body has been almost completely changed. I have quite broad shoulders, but that is actually not the point. Many women have broad shoulders, but no muscles there and quite "skinny" arms. What makes the female figure is the waist-hips ratio. They say, women have a ratio of 0.75 or less, men have 0.85 or more. My ratio is 0.716.

  • July 14, 2006 6:03 PM BST
    Hi Laura

    Well if What makes the female figure is the waist-hips ratio. They say, women have a ratio of 0.75 or less, men have 0.85 or more. then I have some more dieting to do.
    Waist is 33" and whips are 42" so if I divide 33/42 = 0.785
    Somewhere in no mans land not quite female and not quite male.
  • June 27, 2006 6:53 PM BST
    Breasts will (or might) continue to grow after you have had SRS. In Sweden you may not surgically enlarge breasts until 9 months have past since SRS for that reason...