Food cravings

    • 539 posts
    July 8, 2003 3:02 AM BST
    The craving for carrots has subsided somewhat, although I am still eating them.

    Lately, the craving has moved to fresh fruit. Yesterday and today, I have been snacking on cherries, red currants, gooseberries, raspberries, melons, and clementines (small oranges - I hope I don't overdose on them!).

    I can't definitively attribute this entirely to the hormones, because I have done this before (but I don't remember it ever being this severe before).

    I wonder what will be next.

    Heather H.

    P.S. As I write this, I am eating my last gooseberries. I need to buy more.
    • 539 posts
    May 31, 2003 2:31 AM BST
    Has anyone else experienced strange food cravings since starting hormones?

    For some reason, lately, I have had an insatiable craving for carrots. I bring bags of small carrots into work and snack on them throughout the day. Sometimes I eat so many that I am not hungry for lunch. I have always liked carrots, but I have never eaten nearly as many as I have in the last two weeks.

    Someone else I talked to mentioned a craving for pickles soon after starting hormones. Also, pregnant women often have unusual food cravings, and hormones can get messed up during pregnancy. I wonder if there is a connection.

    I guess there are far worse things to crave than carrots. I am glad I don't have the desire to gulp down chocolate bars all day - I am sure I would blow up like a balloon if I did. At least carrots are healthy.

    Heather H.
  • June 1, 2003 3:14 AM BST
    It happens ! really
    Why carrots ? I did it with any kind of sweet food like ice creams, cakes etc.


    • 539 posts
    August 1, 2003 5:20 PM BST
    This has been interesting to follow...

    Fresh fruit seems to be subsiding now, but the latest is summer squash - it is readily available lately, and I have been eating it every day. Last night, I ate a large yellow zucchini - and little else - for dinner. That was weird; usually, I don't consider a meal satisfying unless meat is involved.

    This is a new one; I have never disliked summer squash, but it has never been one of my favorites either. Why has it suddenly become somewhat of an obsession? Perhaps the hormones are involved.

    Heather H.