Florida Law against Gay Adoptions Stands

    • 2573 posts
    January 11, 2005 3:44 AM GMT
    Results of the Poll with the initial article:

    Should homosexuals be allowed to adopt children?
    Yes 55%
    No 41%
    Undecided 3%
    Total Votes: 22,992
    • 2573 posts
    January 11, 2005 2:16 AM GMT
    I don't know if this link works for non-AOL members, but:


    The United States Supreme Court refused to hear a case protesting the only state-ban on gay parents adopting in the United States. They can be foster parents but insist that children need a two, heterosexual-parent family. 8000 Florida children wait futilely for those non-existant parents.


    WASHINGTON (Jan. 10) - The Supreme Court steered clear of a dispute over gay adoptions on Monday, energizing conservatives who want other states to copy Florida's one-of-a-kind ban on gays adopting children.

    In refusing to review the law, justices averted a second showdown over gay rights in two years. The court barred states in 2003 from criminalizing gay sex, a decision that brought strong criticism from conservative and religious groups.

    Monday's action indicates the court is finished for now with the delicate subject.

    Conservative groups, whose recent focus has been on blocking gay marriages, cheered the decision.

    It ''sends a huge message that the court is not going to be open to a broad-based homosexual agenda,'' said Mathew Staver, president of the Liberty Counsel in Orlando, Fla.

    Other states, he said, should start considering similar laws.

    But opponents of the law said they were ready to combat efforts to duplicate it - and encourage Florida lawmakers to repeal the ban.

    ''Whether kids should have two moms or two dads, it's always been a fake argument. What all the professional organizations say is sexual orientation has nothing to do with whether someone is a good or bad parent,'' said Matthew Coles, the American Civil Liberties Union attorney for four gay men who challenged the law.

    Patricia Logue, senior counsel for Lambda Legal, said politicians talk about the dream mother-father family. ''Tell it to the kid who's been waiting 16 years to be placed into one of those so-called ideal homes,'' she said. ''It's a crime to leave these children sitting there to foster some ideological point of view.''

    Florida had more than 8,000 children awaiting adoption there in fiscal 2002, and there were 126,000 nationwide, according to the Child Welfare League of America.

    Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has maintained that the children, often products of troubled and unstable backgrounds, should have a father and a mother.

    • 2463 posts
    January 11, 2005 2:56 AM GMT
    As I always tell my students, the U.S. Supreme Court sets it own agenda. They can hear a case or tell you to go scratch. Gee, a Florida law against gays......hmmmmm...Jeb Bush, the brother of George A'Hole Bush......gee, I wonder if there's a connection?

    Thanks for letting us know, Wendy.
  • January 17, 2005 9:47 PM GMT
    Yeah Wendy we have become a divided country on almost all the polls
    its sad and hard to drive our country in the right direction.
    • 2573 posts
    January 18, 2005 2:22 AM GMT
    And it shows how far we TGs have to go to get accepted and treated fairly if gays still face laws like that...what GLBs get from the law is what we will get so it's important to track their progress and problems.