Help for Ingrown Hairs

    • 1980 posts
    August 6, 2005 7:57 PM BST
    Hi Girls-

    I don't know how many of you girls who shave your legs and other areas have problems with ingrown hairs but I do occasionally. It's gotten better since I started exfoliating every time I shower but I still get them sometimes especially on the backs of my legs.

    Anyway, I had a rather nasty one the other day so I decided to try some of my son's acne medicine on it and it worked really well, it's almost totally gone. I don't know if this has been mentioned elsewhere and I missed it but I thought I might pass it along in case anyone else wanted to try it.

  • August 20, 2005 1:04 AM BST
    Thanks for that.
    I seem to remember having one or two in the past and they are realy unsightly as well as sore.
    If you could post the active ingredients to this medicine and the name just in case they don't do it in the UK.
    Most appreciated.
    • 1980 posts
    August 27, 2005 1:38 AM BST
    Hi Bunny-

    I've used a couple of different ones, the main ingredient in most of them is benzoyl peroxide. I also used a brand that my son uses called Acnomel and the main ingredient in it is resorcinol. I think Clearasil or nearly any product with those ingredients would do the trick. Pimples are infected oil glands and ingrown hairs are basically infected folllicles, so it seems to work on either one.
