• 2573 posts
    September 5, 2009 4:58 PM BST

    Endocrine Treatment of Transsexual Persons:An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline

    "Conclusions: Transsexual persons seeking to develop the physical characteristics of the desired gender require a safe, effective hormone regimen that will 1) suppress endogenous hormone secretion determined by the person’s genetic/biologic sex and 2) maintain sex hormone levels within the normal range for the person’s desired gender. A mental health professional (MHP) must recommend endocrine treatment and participate in ongoing care throughout the endocrine transition and decision for surgical sex reassignment. The endocrinologist must confirm the diagnostic criteria the MHP used to make these recommendations. Because a diagnosis of transsexualism in a prepubertal child cannot be made with certainty, we do not recommend endocrine treatment of prepubertal children. We recommend treating transsexual adolescents (Tanner stage 2) by suppressing puberty with GnRH analogues until age 16 years old, after which cross-sex hormones may be given. We suggest suppressing endogenous sex hormones, maintaining physiologic levels of gender-appropriate sex hormones and monitoring for known risks in adult transsexual persons."

    Oh, to be 14 again. Today I had a bit of joy with my breakfast ice cream, lol.

  • September 6, 2009 3:54 PM BST
    Hi Wendy,
    If only I had been brave enough to come out to my parents at an early age.
    • 871 posts
    September 6, 2009 6:32 PM BST
    I wish I had better parents lol...

    I was discovered when I was a young teenager and got heavily chastised. Kept it in the closet for many years thereafter believing I was a weirdo and struggled to find inner peace. I convinced everyone that I had grown out of it. I knew it was, how to phrase it "not normal", but if my family had of had a different approach then maybe 20 years of my life would not have been so difficult.

    Hopefully with better education and enlightenment parents and siblings will support their family members and in turn save their loved ones from such misery. They may even get satisfaction from knowing they are being true to unconditional love and making their loved ones very happy.