Just Add Me Petition

    • 2 posts
    March 21, 2012 4:13 AM GMT

    This petition is about how to gain social acceptance, granted there is plenty of laws being passed (here in America) lately helping the cause...BUT how can we gain a world wide societal acceptance as a norm? Make it intergrated into the social networks that people use daily. Facebook is my first target with this petition. It is to change the sex option to a gender option instead and add trans friendly gender options www.change.org/petitions/just-add-me is the url. 
    So why will this work? Because there first was a sexual orientation options as hetero only then there was heterosexual and homosexual and then came bisexual and then independent terms like lesbian and gay and pansexual...etc. NOW if we get something like Facebook to make this an option instantly Trans People would become a societal norm. This would eliminate voilence and deaths of trans community by taking the unknown out of the equation and then people would start to understand us. This is the way I believe we the LGB and mainly "T" can make a real change in how society treats and views us!! Feel free to visit the website I set up around this campaign for more information as well @ www.JustHuman.webs.com  

    Brooke Sullivan =D

    • 2 posts
    March 21, 2012 4:14 AM GMT


    This post was edited by Brooke Sullivan at March 21, 2012 4:14 AM GMT