• Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    April 23, 2013 5:59 PM BST

     This is what this site used to be, before the advent of the facebook type home page, full of quickly disappearing comments and likes,  


      Yes the old site Trannyweb was falling apart, the softwarre a mismatch, constantly failing, nobody capable of maintaining it.   But, I think we left a valuable asset behind. the forums,  And some very erudite, honest people drifted away, feeling the forums were being ignored, which is mainly why they were here, many of them did not use the chat room. their interests lay in the vast amount of information, the opinions and exchanges in those forums, they are still here. have a look at this one  thread.   Unfortunately a couple of threads the first couple of posts have somehow got muddled up in the transfer. but read some of this stuff heartrendering,   I wonder how many people this site has helped over the years, how many lives it has helped to save.   The hormone city forum, Run by a fabulous Lucy Diamond,  Excellent posts. advice.   A funny forum, that will cheer you up when your feeling down.   A politics forum yes even trans people have their own political leanings and views on how things are done,


    The variety of opinions, some really well thought out posts by some realy wonderful people.   These threads and posts are here forever. and as things progress and change, new people can comment, make posts, update current ideas, add their opinions and knowledge, but most of all see how things used to be and progressed.  


    During my law studies I have come across some interesting facts, nothing to do with the UK, but invaluable information has been posted in the USA forums, we can all share are thoughts and knowledge for everyone on this site.   Some can learn from others experience, avoiding the mistakes some of us made.


    I will endeavour to get the latest thread posts and name of contributor back on the home page, without the ''more'' just the title, I notice when I post a link to the forums some people clcik like, but don't actually visit the forum, lol.



      Cristine Shye Head of forums

    This post was edited by Cristine Jennifer Shye. BL at April 23, 2013 6:18 PM BST
    • 1652 posts
    April 23, 2013 7:09 PM BST
    On the old TW forum page we used to have a list of the most recent posts, I think the list showed about the last 20 posts. If you go to the main forum page now, and know where to look (scrolling down to the bottom of the page) there is currently a list of the last 6 posts. If I don't check into TGS for a few hours there is a chance I will miss several posts that have been made in that time. As far as I'm concerned they could be lost forever, unless someone else adds a comment which I am lucky enough to see on the list of the last 6 posts.
    Often I have a look at the recent posts list in the morning, only to find 6 posts in the "Role Play" forum, of which I have no interest (and I mean, WTF?!) It is CRUCIAL to the well-being of the forums that this list is extended to show more of the recent posts. 20 at least would be good, as it used to be in the glory days of the forums. If this extended list can appear directly on the front page, and preferably at the top, I believe it would make a massive difference. The more recent posts that are visible to everyone, the more people will be inclined to add their own comments.
    Many of us have made similar suggestions in the past, it's about time it was implemented.
    Personally I think there is little point trying to revive interest in old threads, perhaps from years ago, often when the conversation has gone round in circles anyway! Your example thread above is a case in point; dreadful thread in my opinion, but there are good and bad threads and it takes all sorts to make a world. But no-one will post if they don't see anything worth posting on. A long list of the most recent posts is the only realistic way to keep up with the forums so we don't miss anything that might be of interest.
    I don't know how I can emphasize this any more; such a list in an obvious and visible place is essential.
    You do a great job Cristine, and it's also good that you encourage people to start a forum thread when they post anything worthy of debate on the home page.
    But if we don't get to see what people have posted, we can't contribute.
    This post was edited by Lucy Diamond at April 23, 2013 7:15 PM BST
    • 1195 posts
    April 23, 2013 7:58 PM BST
    I'm with you Lucy. It used to be fun to read the forums. I was younger then too. The newer members don't know what they're missing but times have changed. I wonder about the manner of the current writing i.e. spelling etc.,etc.
    hugs Gracie
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    April 23, 2013 9:13 PM BST

    One of the reasons I quoted that particular thread Lucy, to me it was a very poignant and enlightening one, lots of comments, lots of different opinions, without some of the personal attacks that ensued in some of the others, Old threads are important as well, to refer back to, update add to. latest developments, changes of attitude etc. I regularly go back and read quite a few, what was then, might not be so now, People move on, but I do miss people like Rae Kelcou. Wendy Larsen, Robyn Webb. Lyn Harvey. Karen Brad a few others.

    This post was edited by Cristine Jennifer Shye. BL at April 23, 2013 9:15 PM BST
    • 1652 posts
    April 23, 2013 9:43 PM BST
    Fair point Cristine, I'm not saying that old threads have no significance, just that I believe you will never revive the forums by posting such links.
    New threads need to be started to get people involved. But no-one will get involved if they don't know what's being posted!!
    Please, please, make that list a priority.
    • 181 posts
    April 23, 2013 11:40 PM BST
    Cristine , first I know it's been way too long since I ever posted , much less even looked at this forum. For the most part , most of what I saw wasn't of interest to me . Then too, a heavy interest as to happenings as to what was popular in the U K doesn't always translate to us here in America . Yes, I'm finally on HRT. Much of the pitfalls you ladies endured have also happened to me as well. As for me ever doing any Chat rooms , uh my Arthritis prevents me from doing so . I'm happy to share anything I'm good at with anyone here . ellen
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    April 23, 2013 11:47 PM BST
    OMG Ellen how lovely to see you again. How are you? Just let me know what your good at. lol. I can do with all the help I can get. I want so much to get the forums back to being the mainstay of the site.

    love you heaps Cristine
    • 181 posts
    April 24, 2013 2:12 AM BST
    Cristine , I sent a personal message to you via Faceless Book in yer "Other " folder or what ever that is ........... ellen
    • 308 posts
    April 24, 2013 4:22 AM BST
    I must admit Christine, reading that thread brought back some fond memories. The days when we expressed our likes and dislikes. Animosity led to compassionate understanding, well sometimes. This is all part of the human experience and perception to whom we are in this world of mis-understanding of our culture. Confusion, apprehension is part of our community and of society in general. The forums are (were ) such an important part in the advancement of our sisterhood. Novice became mentors, all this came from the confidence, gained by the education in the forums to enable us to cultvate the journey to be the women of our choice. Accomplished by the failures, the achievements, and all so many tears that we all shared.
    My only wish was to hope others would not have to replay the mistakes and heart aches that are expressed in these forums.
    So many, so many need the encouragement and wealth of experience expressed here.

    Thank you everyone....big Huggs Tammy
    • 13 posts
    April 24, 2013 4:44 AM BST
    Yes Cris I do remember the old "TW" site well I joined in 08 been here ever since !! Some say Im an "asset " to this site !! I sometimes find this hard to beleave but ive seen my far share of members from across the globe come and go over the years. Some Ive become friends with and I do enjoy my time here like anyone who does come here . I really dont spend my time here reading forums much but I do enjoy that
    i can blogg andthat something we could not do or could not do well .
    • Moderator
    • 2127 posts
    April 24, 2013 10:19 AM BST
    I hope you all understand that we had to replace the old software or simply close down. Those were the only options because the developers who had kept the old software going for years, refused to support it any longer.

    This new software was the very best on the market at the time, that did pretty much all the things we did before plus more, and which we could afford and would allow us to transfer most of our old data over too. That's how you can still read all the old Trannyweb forums.

    There are a number of problems with the new forum but I'm hoping our new software upgrade this week, may fix some of them and we may even get the old list of new forum posts back.

    Hugs, Katie x
    • 0 posts
    April 24, 2013 12:23 PM BST

    Hi Cristine, Katie and Lucy. 

    I have a point which may not be popular with you or may make some sense.

    Firstly, social networking today is huge, but each site is only as good as its software. I understand that these things cost money, but the current format here at GS is somewhat rudimentary. I also understand that it was modelled on the earlier version at TW. I may be wrong. 

    I don't think GS can function as a facebook type site. Indeed, a highly successful site that I frequent has an excellent forum organisation. I mention of few very useful features.

    • The forum is organised into different types of discussions.
    • Discussions are organised into sub forums.
    • Sub forums are organised into topics.
    • Recent activity on the complete forum can be summarised by using a view new content function. (The view new content function then shows unread forums listed from the most recent to last)
    • There is a list at the bottom of the page of active users which are those users currently on line. Active users appear at the bottom of all the pages; the discussion forum list, the sub forum list and in each topic.  (The record of active users in the forums being online at once stands at 1,352). Something to aim for, no doubt.  

    I see no point in outling any of the issues I've encountered here at GS other than to point out an absence of those features I have listed above. 

    I enjoy the site, it has been extremely helpful to me. I have met some people I like and one or two who I probably like too much. 

    Notwithstanding, it is 'dated' in some respects, however, I wish you well in your endeavours.




    This post was edited by Former Member at April 27, 2013 2:34 PM BST
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    April 24, 2013 12:34 PM BST
    The problem per se is not with the forums, but people like to see the latest topics name, title on the home page, so they can go straight to the forum, the problem of the last display it showed the whole content on the home page, by clicking more. the same problem with the displays on the forum index page. taking up to much room, by clicking more you can read the whole post without going into the forum noted.
    All we need is a comprehensive list on the home page, forum title, thread and poster, I have contacted quite a few people on facebook, they all state they lost interest, because there were no direct links or indication of what had been posted.
    • 1652 posts
    April 24, 2013 12:41 PM BST
    It's not a software issue. The old site's software was positively antique, yet the forums were usually buzzing.
    It's an awareness thing, there is little on the front page to show that the forums even exist. We now have a vaguely Facebooky format, which of course doesn't have forums like ours.
    But most importantly, those of us who try to keep up with forums can't because only the last 6 posts are shown. A longer list of recent posts is essential, otherwise there is no way of knowing who has said what on which threads. I certainly don't have time to look through every forum heading to see if anything's been posted! We need to be informed when someone makes a post, and that information needs to stay up for longer or else we are likely to miss it.
    The old site was clunky, outdated, slow, and looked nothing like TGS now, but we had a longer list of recent forum posts and that made all the difference. Without this list, no-one can keep up to date with the forums so no-one will chip in. Forum posts effectively become invisible far too quickly.
    No money needs to spent, no software needs to be changed. We just need the recent posts list extended, and put in a more prominent place if possible.
    • 0 posts
    April 24, 2013 12:43 PM BST

    I don't see why the "Click Here to View our Extensive Forums" function cannot lead to the option of a "View New Content" function. There is not much point in providing features to those who rarely use the site. CB

    This post was edited by Former Member at April 24, 2013 12:44 PM BST
    • 0 posts
    April 24, 2013 12:48 PM BST
    You are making good sense to me.
    • Moderator
    • 2127 posts
    April 24, 2013 1:26 PM BST
    People say that no money needs to be spent and in the same breath they say what needs to be done without thinking about how it can be implemented without paying a developer to do the work.

    We have a new version of the software waiting in the wings. It contains thousands of bug fixes and improvements since the last update nearly a year back.

    I think that much of what you are asking will already be included in the update so please give me some time to get the new software in place and we'll go from there. Installing the new stuff is at least a whole day's work but I can pretty much do that myself without the need to pay developers. That is, if everything goes okay.

    If we encounter problems with the update, like maybe the forums break completely or people find they can't log in or suchlike, then I will have to enlist the help of a professional.

    Leave it with me for now and I will do my best to get the lists of new posts and stuff like that, back on the front page.

    If I can, I will try to start the upgrade this afternoon (after about 3.30pm BST).

    Hugz, Katie x
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    April 24, 2013 1:46 PM BST
    Thanks Katie,
    • 376 posts
    April 24, 2013 6:09 PM BST

    Sorry I have had to delete this as it is personal between Katie and myself plus I drifted off subject . Its been a long day .



    This post was edited by Former Member at April 24, 2013 9:36 PM BST
    • 13 posts
    April 25, 2013 5:48 AM BST
    I am proud of what we have here and i do agree with Katie that the old site "TW " had to go !! many of times I remember that the chat room was not avalibgle or was not working at its best . I know for a time we lost the privilge of looking at profiles and the acurance of "trolls" invadding the site was a major problem . I do miss having a "Mod" in the chat room to help keep things healthy . I am sad for thoes who where Chat room mods who no longer come to chat anymore . Im not shure if anyone is aware of this but Id like to make it known since Ive been here 5 years of some of my observations . As a canadian and I have heard this mentioned befor by others on this side ofthe pond that we lack a someone to represent us north americans. Ive been told befor that we do have such a person but ive been told they are eather unknown to us or simply dont care about our isues as members . I do agree totaly that it take money to make something like this work and yes there are a few bugs that need fixing but its way better then what we had .
    • 108 posts
    April 27, 2013 2:46 PM BST
    The problem with linking a forum post to the home page was that every time I clicked the link I am taken to the forum front page or the sub forum home page and not straight to the thread, which meant I had to find the sub forum/topic and then go down and find the new post/s which could take a why and there are plenty of topics which haven't been commented on for a while or are just suplus and not needed for example the Role Play topic.  WTF? is the perfect question for that topic. 
    As for the chat room, well the first time I was there I found it difficult to keep up with the couple of topics and every time I posted something, the conversation moved on to another topic after I pressed Enter, which is why I don't go there.  Despite the slowness of the site, I do enjoy being here and feel that I have found a home with people that I can call friends and I must thank Katie for beinging me here and doing the Frock mag which is probably the best thing I have read (even better than the Telly guide that I have).
    • 2017 posts
    October 29, 2013 6:19 PM GMT

    okay, I admit I am biased in my liking of the old forums as they did generate a lot of traffic and you could really get to know people through them, as well as you can know someone online anyway. 


    I did move away from the site when it moved from TW to GS, for reasons of my own, and since popping back in I have to say it's really sad to see what has become of the forums, (particularly as they were my responsibility before I left and Christine took over). So, I would love to see them brought more to the fore as they are particularly useful for new members coming here to find relevant information. 


    The current FB style of home page I am not keen on, but then, I don't like FB either so I soon deleted my account there. I don't like the fact that if you aren't here for a day or two, you can miss a topic/conversation and not even know it happened. I am not keen on the 'like' function either as I find it lazy. I would much rather hear a person's full response instead and generate a good debate. The current set up doesn't really encourage that in my opinion. 


    Now, if I sound like I am knocking the site, I can assure you I am not. Katie knows me well enough to know that and so do many of the other older members. I am merely offering my opinion and looking for ways to improve GS for us all. 


    Chat doesn't seem so busy these days either but that's for another thread.