Loadsa bugs

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    Gosh, is it Thursday already?  Doesn't time fly when you're having fun.

    Here's the update - The best brains on the planet have deduced that the reason our server was crashing every 6 - 8 hours was because it was running out of memory, which in turn was caused by our move to Mod_PERL, which uses more memory but less processor time.

    Eric has tweaked the server to prevent it from runing out of memory in future - well kind of.  It's seems to be a temporary fix.  We may need to move to yet another bigger, better, faster, server, with more memory at some stage.  For now this should help - I'm keeping an eagle eye on it over the next few days/weeks.

    We still have loads of bugs to get sorted.  The Who's Online feature doesn't work.  Our new birthday script doesn't worlk.  Mass deletion of mass mail doesn't work.  There's still a problem with some members accounts being disabled for non-payment, when they have in fact paid.

    I can't seem to get the new drop-down menu system to work, which is unfortunate now that we've paid for it.

    We still have the worst, slowest, chat room on the planet with no sign of Volano turning up or Jabber being installed.  Eric may get back to me on that today.

    I wish Eric would get more staff.  Because everything has to go through him and because he's inundated with requests for help from all of his other customers, it takes forever for us to get anything done.

    I also need to get going on the Trib if there's to be a February edition.  We didn't manage a January issue because of all the technical problems.  That cost us valuable revenue.

    Anyway, enough of my problems.  This morning the sun is shining brightly although it's bitterly cold.  It snowed a bit last night so the scene outside my window is sunny, crisp and white - very pretty.

    There is much to do - onward...