Recent Entries

  • Prosthetics

    One of my fantasies is to wake up one day and find that I am a 25 year old Britney Spears or at least look like her.  That's not too much to ask, is it? Obviously, I have never really been able to look anything like her. However, I have just been looking at Alexis Stone's videos.  She is ...
  • Suicide Prevention

    It’s been estimated that Transgender people are twice as likely to think about and attempt suicide than LGB people.  The suicide rates for Transgender people are far, far higher than the national averages in most countries.  It’s difficult to know exactly though, because gender identity is not norma...
  • Test Blog

    This is a test blog
  • 2012 - What a year!

    Wow, what a great year it's been for both The Gender Society and for our bi-monthly trans publication, Frock Magazine. We've seen them both going from strength to strength and I hope you've enjoyed all the improvments we've made to both. There are heaps of ideas for new features in the coming ...
  • Another New Server, but hey, what's wrong with that?

    Have you noticed?  Our site has been getting slower and slower over the last few weeks so we took the decision to move to a bigger, better, faster server with more RAM.  The transfer took around ten minutes during which time the site was down but I did take the precaution of posting notice...
  • Our New Adverts

    You may have noticed that we have recently done away with the dating site adverts which used to adorn our pages.  We've taken a bit of a chance because although they didn't really fit in with the image we are trying to portray, they did pay for themselves.  However, you said you didn't wan...
  • A Big Favour To Ask My Girlfriends Here...

    You may have seen me asking for the support of my girlfriends here in my recent status updates.  Well the time has come and here's the favour...   You know I've spent over a decade working tirelessly on this community and I've also worked hard on Frock, my transgender magazine, for o...
  • The Life Of A Social Network Administrator

    I don't know if you've ever thought about it but the life of a social network administrator is quite demanding.  You have to know about a lot of things, from email strategy to SEO, accounting, marketing and server administrating, from forum management to PHP programming and you need to know you...
  • Has anyone else noticed The Trib was actually sent in error

    Has anyone else noticed that The Trib was actually sent in error, before it was finished and ready to send out?  I'm actually hopping mad because a developer was supposed to be fixing several major problems with our newsletter software and by accident, he sent a half finished newsletter our...
  • The Continuing Saga of the "Soft Launch"

    And so dear reader, the "Soft Launch" continues.  We had hoped that we could have a big new site launch party in a blaze of publicity this weekend but alas, it was not to be. The trouble is down to the membership subscription system which appears to be suffering from various teething problems ...