The Blues or is it real depression

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    Oh god girls I think i'm having depressionn problems.  some times I am so excited about being Shirley I can't stand it.  Other times I have oppertunities to be Shirley with places to go but I just can't seem to get up the steaam to do it.  I know just enough about what manic depression is (a friend is a manic depressive person) to as they say "be dangerous."  Could I have the problem too?  Maybe that's why I am having so much trouble making up my mind asbout transitioning.  I think I look OK and I evan have great cloths especially shoes.  I'll tell you the story about that later.  So how do you kick your self in the butt to get going again?  I don't even know if I can recognize that I'm having the blues do any of you?

    Love Shirley  

  • wendy larsen Shirley, The fact that you are feeling depressed/unmotivated may have absolutely nothing to do with being TG/TS. It could just be coincidence if you have both. If you are concerned, you might visit a psychologist, psychiatrist or counsellor. There are...  more
  • robin w yes, amanda and wendy are correct, only your psych MD knows for sure. although the inability to make a decision is a minor symptom. major symptoms are: 1)loss of interest in things you like, 2) feeling of hopelessness, 3)disregard for personal grooming,...  more
  • robin w Actually, since I was so resistant to treatment (Rx's) we explored other sources for depression....guess what? I am not NEARLY as depressed now that I accepted I was TG. I fought it my whole life.....
  • Lucy Diamond Periods of hyperactivity or general excitement, along with periods of lack of motivation or vitality - are classic symptoms of bipolar disorder, which is not really like clinical depression at all. As Amanda says, bipolar is now the accepted term for...  more