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    Good evening ,everyone. Local group made all 4 local channels and local radio with BOLI suit. I'll post links to news reports when I find out it's ok. Don't want to mess up anything.Bar owner messed up when wording eviction.

    Have had several offers from other establishments to come and spend money. Word got out we tip good!LOL.

  • jan jefferies likes this
  • Heather Ann Martin Great to hear Jan, and also good to know there are some proper bar owners who are quite happy to accept your cash!
  • jan jefferies Saw some comments,most hateful. But a few were friendly. Like I'm going to use Men's while dressed to 9's? Good way to get assaulted. Besides,State law does say that I may use restroom for gender I appear to be.
  • jan jefferies I do need to qualify that. Comments on Lexxie's site were supportive. Many comments on local site however, weren't. It is too bad this happened. Food was good ,staff was pleasant,and I personally never had any issues with other patrons.Except the hit...  more