Interesting day yesterday

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    Hi all,

                I had an appointment at Charing Cross Hospital Gender Identity Clinic yesterday mid afternoon, so went by train from Home in Chichester.After a much needed Coffee at Victoria,I took The underground, and seeing as I was early made an arbirary snap decision  to get of the TubeTrain early at West Kensington.There in front of me was the BIG poster for the Danish Girl.I looked closely and thought yes Eddy Redmayne does look incredibly feminine, and at this magnification makeup , Photoshop did a great job on the Skin.I got out of the station, messed about with my Smartphone, and google Maps wasted more time, then decided to turn back and another arbitray decision take a different route . I went around the corner and walked toward a corner shop, where a young  Blonde Girl in Black coat was standing smoking. I thought do I recognise her?, -maybe yes-, carried on walking on my intended way towards her. I should say that I am short sighted and wear glasses, so often have to refocus . She looked directly toward me and said "Yes , I thought I recognized you", -"Yes" I replied.Everything clicked now and teh memory flooded back-

    ,The young Blonde Lady used to live in the same small Housing block as me 4 years ago when I worked in Harpenden for a year.Our paths would cross as she would frequently be standing just outside the shared Housing block entrance for a smoke.This was during a period when I tried to unsuccesfully "come out at work", so Sarah (the young blonde lady) saw me in both guises.At the time I remember simply telling Sarah that I was transgendered and was going to Transition . She was very nice and unphased at the time.This was very encouraging for me at the time . 

    Fast forward to the present, I chatted to Sarah for a while , as she was on her lunch break from her new job training to be a an underground train controller.I updated her with brief summary of my life. We shared the same view on the need to change .

    I went on my way to CX had appointment , it was fine. 


  • Jessica Nova Little things like this can make a day Donna. Glad you ran into her and got to catch up.
  • Brenda Pollock Thanks for sharing your day Donna.
  • Donna V Thanks Jessica,Brenda, Yes its such small things and experiences that make the difference in the journey , as much as the more "formal" things Donna XX
  • Hannah Ceridwen Eluned Cavendish-Grosvenor Isn't Dr Stuart Lorimer lovely , kind and considerate: I also find Dr Leighton Seal utterly charming; and will be seeing him again (hopefully) as soon as they take the planned plaster off my arm.