Spring time for Donna and all 2016

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    Hi all,

     Funny thing I thought must do a blog its been a while , and maybe I had that wanting feeling for Spring to come round and get active, so I type in Spring, and GS auto completes with "Spring time for Donna 2015", reminding me of a previous blog.So i just conveniently changed title to 2016.A lot has happened in my Family life over the last year ,Unfortunately my Mums health has declined rapidly and she is quite immobile now.My Dad takes care of her as best he can ,but shows the strain,its just he has little skill or training in the caring field.There is an added complication for the family of having to deal with the repatriation of my Younger Brother from Germany after a collapse in his mental state that has been diagnosed as Grade 1 Bipolar disorder and spent the last 3 moths in a German Psychiatric hospital. If anyone asks if I am okay , I say "fine" ,afterall I dont have the suffering of either my Mum or Younger brother.

        Overall It seems I am a housewife and happy to be available if anyone needs me.On reflection my state now ,having gone through all the fears and doubts of myself and those closest to me , is simply that I am very fortunate indeed.I have been lucky to have had the time to develop over the last year .That last sentence may be very strange to some people seeing as I am 54,however I dont care for any accusation of being a late developer. I guess what held me back for so long was that observance of norms and obligation prevalent in the Past.-I must stop now and get back to cooking in the kitchen and doing some Artwork.

    On the Art front I came across references to Amanda Lear whilst studying the Life and works of Dali last month.Interesting
